Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Liittle Man!

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!
I can't believe you are 2 already!
These past 2 years have been a total adventure.
You are definitely all boy.

You love to climb and jump and do crazy things things that make Mommy nervous.
You love cars and sports. You usually have a baseball and a bat with you wherever you go.

You are such a little helper. You like to be a part of whatever Mommy or Daddy are doing.
You love to cuddle and you love your sisters.

You are a little social butterfly. You always make sure to say hi and bye to everyone.
You are a fish! You drink more juice/water than anyone I know.

You are a ham! You love to sing and laugh and be silly!
You are my little man!
I love you so so much!

Wesley was so excited that Gamma and Bapa got him a new baseball set!

He's pretty much a pro already.

Birthday dinner at Farrell's