Friday, May 30, 2014

Score Big Review

I love finding out about new ways to save a buck. 
I mean with a family of 6 we could use all the extra bucks we can get. 

A month or so ago I was introduced to Score Big and asked if I wanted to try them out,
yes please!
If you have never heard of them before you need to. 
Especially if you like going out on date nights, to sporting events, concerts, Broadway shows, etc. 
(I mean who doesn't?!)
Through their website you can search for all of the events in your area and then save big on buying the tickets. 

So how does it work?
It' super easy, you go to their site and...
 1. Find an event by searching by a date, event or location
2. Choose how many tickets you want and which seating area you want your tickets to be in
3. Buy your tickets! You can choose to either pay a discounted fixed price or make a bid and possibly get an even extra low price. 

Aaron and I bought 4 tickets to an Anaheim Angels baseball game and it was so easy! We made a bid and got a great deal. And I was shocked when the tickets came in the mail the very next day.   

So the next time that you are in the market for some tickets (hello Father's day gift) head on over to Score Big and check it out. 
Maybe you can save yourself some extra bucks too.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a credit from this website to make my purchase. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions, 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guidelines Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lu Bird Baby Winner!

Hey guys! 
I hope you all had a great Memorial day weekend. 
We spent the weekend camping in June Lake. 
It was b.e.u.t.i.f.u.l. 

But more about that later.
In the meantime I know you all have been dying to know if you won the Lu Bird Baby giveaway. 
Well if your email address is
you are the lucky winner!
I'll email you soon with details. 

And for all of you who didn't win 
don't fret. 
I'll be having an Insta sale next month so make sure you are following me on Instagram (@lubirdbaby) to be in the loop. 

Happy Tuesday friends! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Boy stuff (NEW towels)

There is definitely a lack of cute boy stuff out there. 
If you go to a boutique or craft fair you know what I mean.
There are usually 100 vendors selling cute bows, skirts, aprons, dresses, headbands, jewelry, etc. etc.
If are lucky you can find a handful of vendors that are selling fun, cute things for boys. 
Well I'm on a mission to change that. 
One towel at a time. 
Haha. Not really, but I do have some cute new boy fabrics available in the shop
They were all personally picked out by my boy (and I got a ton of requests for them at Queen Bee Market) so hopefully you and your little guys like them too. 

Also...don't forget to enter our giveaway if you haven't already. 
Maybe you will win one of your own! 
It ends Friday so don't dilly dally.    

NEW Star Wars print on a dark grey towel 

NEW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle print on a lime green towel 

NEW Superhero print on a black towel 
*This print was previous sold on a grey towel but I'm switching things around and will now only be sold on black. I do have a few left on dark grey in the shop though if you prefer it on that. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My poor hubby

My poor hubby just found that he is allergic to everything. 
Well I don't want to be overly dramatic.
He's only allergic to 39 different foods (and like every grass, mold, tree and weed). 
I mean seriously who is allergic to lettuce?! 

I posted this list on the fridge so we can cry every time we look at it. 

I went to the grocery store today and started reading labels and then cried even more. 
I think it's impossible to find pre packaged/store bought things without soy (I hate you soy. You are in everything), yeast, onion, dairy or corn in it. 

I was already having a hard time meal planning when we ate like normal humans. 
And now this. 
It seems so overwhelming. 
But I'm sure there has to be some really creative people with cooking skills out there. 
Please share some easy recipes that don't have anything listed above (the things with a one by them are ok). 
Pretty please. 
Thank you!!
I posted the full results below so you can see what he CAN eat. Everything is based on a number scale. 4's are the most severe and 1's are the least. If it's blank it means he's not allergic at all.
Praise God coffee is blank. 

*I'm sure someone is going to ask...after an endoscopy Aaron found out he has esophagitis (it was sometimes hard for him to swallow) which led to the thought that he has allergies, which lead to all the allergy testing and the results above. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lu Bird Baby Hooded towel Giveaway!

Summer is right around the corner 
(can I get an Amen!) 
and to kick it off we are giving away one of our hooded towels! 
They are the perfect pool, bath or beach accessory and since they are made with a full size towel they are great for babies all the way up to big kids.  

Plus they double as a great superhero cape.
In fact you may have a hard time getting them off your nakey kids after they get out of the bath and convincing them to get clothes on.  

They also make super cute baby shower gifts. 

And the best part is your kids will use them. 
In fact you should start cleaning out your towel cupboard now. 

Ready to win a hooded towel of your choice?

Enter this giveaway below.
If the widget doesn't load right away, it will...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Camping for Maddie's birthday

 We are camping junkies.
Seriously I think it is addicting.
There is just something so magical about being surrounded by God's creation, breathing in fresh air, getting away from the busyness of life, going to the bathroom in a port a potty (ok maybe that part isn't so magical) but the rest can't be beat. 
 Lately we have been sneaking out on adventures every chance we get. 
Last weekend Maddie requested to celebrate her 3rd birthday camping 
(we have trained her well) so we went to our favorite local park 
Caspers Wilderness Park. 

It was amazing.
Such good family time.

I feel like the outdoors is what my kids NEED.
Running free, climbing trees, collecting sticks, throwing rock, pretending. 
This is what childhood should look like. 

This little guy has me wrapped around his finger 

Camping is the only place I like bubbles

My mom and dad joined us at the campsite for the evening. 
Campfires are my favorite.
And the smell of campfire that stays in your clothes and hair is my favorite too.

so many beautiful oak trees

Caspers is one of the few parks you can go camping with your horses (and a lot of people take them on trial rides). Kenzie loves horses so she is always so excited to see them or when people let us pet them.

Hanging around the campsite 


Hudson and my Dad

I still can't believe she's 3.

My little riding buddy.
These pull behind trailer/bikes are the best for kids that wouldn't make a long bike ride on their own.
Plus when she pedals it totally helps me. 
I'm not sure if I would make it up the big hills without her! 


tree climbing.
all day long.

Testing out her new balance bike

Hot chocolate for the kids and coffee for the adults in the morning is a camping must

All 6 of us out on a bike ride is quite a sight to be seen 
(This time I pulled Kenzie behind my bike and Aaron pulled the 3 littles in a trailer) 

Good morning

"I think I can, I think I can..."
Aaron pulling the 3 little kids up the hill in the bike trailer

Who's that cutie?

My little scavenger.
She could have spent the whole day collecting sticks and rocks  

If you think you aren't the camping type, that is silly. 
You have to try it! 
I promise you will love it. 
And if you are just plain scared or intimidated to try it, don't be! 
I wrote a blog post with all my tips about camping with kids HERE.
It's easy and most of all fun! 
So get out there and go and then come back and tell me how it went. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cargo bike

Have you guys seen these awesome cargo bikes?

 I didn't even know something this wonderful existed. 

*thank you random lady in this picture for showing me what this bike is capable of

See that big giant tub thing in the back?
It has two bench seats that you kids can sit on (with seat belts!). 
Finally something I can fit all 4 of my kiddos into. 
And it comes in aqua no less. 

Match made in heaven. 
Now all I have to do is start saving. 
And exercising. 
Pulling 4 kids in that thing will be awesome and heavy. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Madelyn!

My baby girl is 3 today! 

And guess what she asked us every day (multiple times a day) to do to celebrate her birthday?
Go camping. 
We have trained her well. 

Madelyn Joy,
You are the sweetest, funniest, cutest 3 year old there is.

You are pretty much just pure sunshine. 

You make us smile and laugh about a million times a day. 

You love to talk but only those who know you best can understand all that you have to say.
(I'm so glad that I speak Madelyn because I love to hear the things that come out of your mouth).

Those pretty green eyes and crazy curly hair are wild and beautiful just like you! 

Gamma calls you the sassy one for obvious reasons.

sas·sy ˈsasē/
adjective: informal
  1. lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky.

You get along with everyone. 
You are definitely the peacemaker. 

You love to cuddle and snuggle.

You are adventurous and you LOVE camping.

You are think you are way older than you are. 

You love being a little sister to Kenzie and Wes and you love to be a big sister to Huddy.
God definitely knew what he was doing when he made you our number 3. 

You are pretty much the easiest baby/toddler/kid ever. 
Please stay this way forever and ever. 
Thank you.

You are filled with so much joy. 
Just about life and it spills out in everything you do. 

You are crazy cute. 
Everyone who meets you falls in love.

We are so thankful that you are part of our family! 

 We love you so so much! 
Now no more growing up.