Friday, February 27, 2009

Mackenzie's beanie

I first learned how to crochet when Aaron and I lived in Brazil for a few months. While we were there and once we got back, I made a bunch of scarves but I haven't crocheted anything in at least 3 years. Then the other day I was browsing etsy and I came across the cutest toddler and baby beanies EVER. Being the crafty person I am, I had to try to make one myself. After many times of starting it, ripping it all out and then starting it again I finally finished Mackenzie's first beanie! I think it turned out really cute (just a little big) but there are a few improvements I'll make with the next one (oh and there will be a next one!). Since this beanie I have been crocheting like crazy. I forgot how much I like it! Right now I am working on 2 (different size) baby boy beanies for baby and a pair of ballet shoe style slippers for Mackenzie. I'll post some pics when I'm finished.