Friday, June 5, 2009

sew. crazy. busy.

I have a huge 3 day boutique next week.

Needless to say my sewing machine has been getting quite the workout lately as I try to make as many things as possible before the show. Here's some of the fruit from my labor in the past couple of days.

Lots of bibs and burpies

crayon rolls

quiltie blankets with tags

*In the midst of the chaos I squeezed in a few new projects and a tutorial that I am super excited to show you! Keep your eyes open for them this coming week :)


  1. Good luck! I love your products-they are so beautiful and bright.

  2. I am in awe of you. I don't know how you do it all. I can't wait for your newest tutorial; I'm sure it's something fabulous!
