Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Countdown has begun...

23 more days until our Savior's birth.

Is it just me or is anyone else
in awe that it's already December!
Someone press the "slow mo" button, quick!
(Oh how I wish we could really do that!)

This year I wanted to use an advent calendar
to make sure we do all the fun holiday things we want to do
and most importantly to keep Christmas about Christ.

Of course no store bought advent calendar would do
because handmade is the way we roll around here
so I made this Christmas tree advent calendar.

Inside each pocket is a piece of paper with the reference to a Bible passage (which we will read that night as a family) and a fun activity or craft to do that day.

Some of our fun holiday ideas:
-Make Christmas cookies and deliver to our neighbors
-Be a Secret Santa to someone in need
-Go ice skating
-Volunteer at a food bank
-Read Twas the Night Before Christmas
-Go Christmas Caroling
-Write a letter to Santa
-Make a the beach!
-Visit a senior center
-Act out the Christmas Story
-Pick out a few toys to give to kids in need
-Make ornaments and deliver to friends and family
-Go on a hunt for the best Christmas lights at night
-Drink Hot Chocolate with extra marshmallows
-Make snowflakes out of construction paper
-Have a Christmas movie marathon
-Visit Santa and Mrs. Claus

Here, here, here, and here are some more ideas to slip inside your calendar pockets.

*Let me know if you'd be interested in a tutorial. I took all the pictures to make it I just have to put it together if anyone's interested.


  1. Such a great idea! I hope you don't mind that I linked to you today!

  2. I'm always up for a tutorial. It's not like I don't already have enough sewing projects. ;)

  3. I would love a tutorial! Looks so cute!

    emma at emmanemhandmade

  4. Love you idea! Every year I say I'm going to make one and don't...hopefully next yr it will get sewn. Yours looks beautiful!
    I'm with you
    on the slow down button :)

    I'm enjoying you blog:)

  5. Of course we do!!! That is SO super and your felt! ;)

  6. its gorgeous!!! tutorials, please, please....

