Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My little man

New camera +
realization that my little man has WAY less pictures than his big sis did as a baby=
Impromptu photo session

Isn't he a cutie?
I can't believe he is almost 10 months old.
His little life is going by way. too. fast.
it's crazy.
And what's even crazier
is that I was pregnant with Wesley when Mackenzie was this age.

P.S. Come back tomorrow for a new tutorial!


  1. He is cute! Love his big boy shirt. I didn't realize my son was so close in age to yours. cool.

  2. He's a doll! I love the one fourth from the bottom with the closed mouth smile. Too adorable!

  3. Hi - Do you love the new camera? My little guy is 8 1/2 months old and my Canon PowerShot is not doing it for me. All my pictures come out blurry because he moves so much. Do you recommend? Thanks! Kerie

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