Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bean Bag Caterpillar Tutorial

A couple months ago
I helped Mackenzie make an egg carton caterpillar.
She thought he was the coolest thing ever.
She named him Samuel and took him everywhere.
Then Wesley got a hold of him.
That was pretty much the end of Samuel.


After Samuel bit the dust
I decided to help Mackenzie make a sturdier,
baby brother proof
bean bag caterpillar.

We invited a friend to come over and take part in the crafting fun.

the final products

close up

I took pictures as we went along in case you all want to make a bean bag caterpillar of your own.

Step 1:
Draw and cut out a caterpillar shape body.

Step 2:
Cut a piece of fabric that is bigger than the caterpillar pattern you just drew.
Let your child decorate it with Sharpies.

Make sure to put a piece of paper under the fabric so the sharpie doesn't end up on your table.

Step 3:
Cut two pieces of ribbon for the antennas. Tie knots at one end.

Step 4:
On the backside of the fabric your child has colored, trace your caterpillar pattern.

Choose a coordinating fabric for the back of the caterpillar. Pin the fabrics (right side together).

In between the fabrics (near what you want to be the caterpillar's head) pin the two antennas down as shown above.
*Please note the ribbons pieces should be in the middle of the two fabric pieces. I have them on the outside in the picture so you can see the correct way to pin them.

Step 5:
Sew along your pattern being sure to leave a small opening.

Trim away the excess fabric and clip slits in the dips so the fabric will lay flat when you turn it right side out.
(see pic if this is confusing)

Step 6:
Turn right side out through the small opening you left and iron flat.

Step 7:
Recruit some little helpers to stuff your caterpillar with beans.

A funnel is really helpful but not necessary.
We also found it helpful to do it over a box so it's easier to clean up the spilled beans.

Step 8:
Once your caterpillar is stuffed with beans sew the opening closed.
I sewed over it a few times just to be safe.

Step 9:
Hot glue a felt eye and mouth on and

give to your little princess (or prince) to enjoy!