Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My little tattoo lover

Mackenzie loves tattoos.
A couple days ago I put a fake one on her.
Apparently that made her catch the tattoo bug.

Yesterday she ran up to me while I was doing dishes and said,
"Mommy I was not obeying."
Me (slightly freaking out): "What did you do?"
Mackenzie: (handing me a Sharpie marker)
"I was coloring on my hand. I was making a tattoo."
(shows me her hand).
Me: (envisioning Sharpie all over the walls and furniture in true Mackenzie style)
"Show me where you were coloring."
Mackenzie takes me into the other room. After a thorough search I'm relieved to see that the Sharpie is only on her hand.
After I give Mackenzie and time out and talk to her again about only coloring on paper, etc. we go about playing.
A minute later Wesley runs up to me and I see his little Sharpied face.
Apparently Mackenzie thought Wesley needed a little tattoo too.


  1. ha, I know that sense of fear. My daughter came upstairs the other week with ink pen on her face and said, "I'm tired. I want to go to bed." I knew right away... my worst fears were realized... she had scribbled all over our two day old brand new microfibre sofa - before I'd had a chance to treat it with that spray stuff! I bawled (what with being 9 months pregnant and hormonal and such) but fortunatly a friend had a product called Sol-U-Mel that took it right out like magic.
