Monday, November 8, 2010


I love doing boutiques!
It's so fun to interact with my customers and to sell the things I love to make.
This boutique was extra fun because one of my friends decided to share a booth with me.
She made some adorable letters to hang in your kiddos room.
They are super cute.
Just see for yourself below.
Hope you guys had a great weekend too!

the set up.
While I love doing boutiques I dread trying to figure out how to display things.
It's definitely not a strength of mine
but somehow it always ends up good enough.

Luckily my awesome dad made this beauty to display my bibs and Taggie blankets.

More goodies.

Lots of bows.

Here are the letters.
See, aren't they super cute?

My friend doesn't have an online store but she is willing to make custom letters if anyone is interested :)

I also had lots of tie onesies and fabric flowers.
Hopefully the tie onesies will be up in the shop soon.
I'm trying to figure out if I should put them up before my next boutique or just wait until afterwards.
What do you guys think?
Anyone dying to get one NOW?


  1. So fun to meet you and get one of your fab TIE bibs for my upcoming nephew! I think the way you displayed your bibs was so clever! Loved it.


  2. I am deffinately intrested in a tie bib & letter, need prices though before I commit. I think your boutique looked very hip! I've always loved your stuff =]

  3. Hey! I found your post on pinterest. I love the blue fence your dad put together! Can I ask what is supporting it on the back? Does it fold up? Thank you!
