Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Day in the Life of the Sellars' Family

Monday morning
I woke up,
grabbed my camera
and documented the day
exactly how it unfolded.
The good, the bad and the ugly.

I thought it might be kind of fun for you to get a peek into my daily life
as a mom, wife and business owner.
Not that my life, is super exciting my any means (especially the day I chose to record), but sometimes it's fun just to see how another stay at home mommy does things.
So here's a peek at a somewhat typical day in the life of the Sellars' family.

And if you saw my challenge and got a chance to record a day of your life and blog about it, feel free to link up below!

Monday, March 7th, 2011

5:30 a.m.- Coffee, Bible, Jesus time :)
Last year I decided to read through the Bible in a year.
It has been one of my hardest commitments to stick to
for the sheer fact that it involves waking up at 5:30 a.m. (did I mention I am NOT a morning person?!)
However, it has also been the one commitment I plan on keeping from here on out.
It has truly been life changing.
Plus I'm scared what kind of Mommy I might be without a daily dose of Jesus in the morning (not to mention all throughout the day) :)

6:45- Kids are up! The day has officially begun!

Aaron goes into change the little man and get the kids
while I head to the kitchen to pack Aaron a lunch for work.

Get the kid's their vitamins.
One of the highlights of their day.
Oh to be a kid again :)

6:50- Start breakfast.
I don't know about you guys but we pretty much eat the same thing for breakfast e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. (pancakes, cereal, or eggs and toast).
I thought it might be good to switch things up a bit so when I saw these quick cook steel cut oats at the store the other day, I figured I'd give them a try.
The looked super healthy, which made me a little nervous
(super healthy stuff to me usually means not very tasty)

but with a little brown sugar, dried cranberries and pecans added to them they ended up being really good.
I guess I should try healthier things more often.

7:00 Eat breakfast as a family with Daddy.
7:15- Aaron leaves for work while we finish breakfast.

Our good friend's parents have a huge orchard so occasionally they hook us up with a ton of awesome fruit.
The other day my friend played the fruit Santa and brought us a huge bag full of yummy goodies including this giant pomelo.
None of us had ever tried a pomelo before but we all agreed it was delicious.
Yay, for trying new things!

7:30- Finish breakfast.
I start on the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen

while the kids watch part of our new favorite set of DVDs.
Check them out. They are awesome!

7:45- Get me and the kids dressed.
Take What I Wore picture :)

8:11- Answer a phone call from a friend and walk into the kitchen to find Wesley partaking in his favorite past time...
playing in the dog water and/or eating the dog's food.

Luckily I'm able to convince him that playing in baby doll strollers is way more fun than pretending to be a dog.

Mackenzie adds her beloved tutu to her outfit.
I think she has worn it everyday for the past 2 weeks.
Don't worry, I do sneak it out for occasional washings.

8:25- Hook Mackenzie up with some "piggly tail braids"
which is her new favorite hairstyle.
She asks me for them at least every other day.
Now all those hours of teaching myself to braid on my fake pony when I was a kid are finally paying off.

8:40- All done!
So pretty!

8:50- Grab a quick to-go snack for the kids, put on their shoes, turn tv off, put dog in crate and leave house to go grocery shopping.
Get the kids into the car and drive down the street when I realize I forgot the grocery list.
Drive back to the house, run inside, grab the list and leave for grocery store.
For real this time.
Please tell me I'm not the only one this happens to.
I "almost" leave the house at least a couple times a week and then have to go back for something I forgot.
I'll just blame it on being pregnant for now.

Grocery shopping in the morning is my little secret.
There is never anyone there and my kids are usually excited for the day
(i.e. not super grouchy). It's my sanity saver.

Plus I love our grocery store.
They hide a little stuffed whale in the store every day for the kids to find.
(Do you see it hiding?)
It's pretty much Mackenzie's mission in life to find the whale every time we go.
She takes it very seriously.
And although I would love to tell you that Mackenzie is just a huge fan of whales or scavenger hunts, the truth is she's only in it for the candy (the reward for finding the whale.)


9:50- Get home and put the groceries away.

10:00- Engage in some serious cave making with the kiddos which involves taking every pillow off our couch and making forts out of them.

Fun stuff!

While the kids are happily playing with the cave I grab my laptop and catch up on a few things.

I love that Mackenzie and Wesley are finally at an age where they play together
all. the. time.

Well and fight together all the time too.
Luckily most of the time they are best buddies :)

10:40- Feed the kids a snack.

10:50-Clean up our cave mess so we can take some other toys out to play with.
I've been trying to be better about cleaning up after one thing before we move onto something else. Some days I'm better at it than others.

Play dress up.

My poor boy has zero dress up clothes.

I'm not sure what look Mackenzie was going for here.
The Little Mermaid meets a little old lady?

Have an impromptu read-a-thon and then a silly song writing contest with the kids.
Mackenzie is the queen of writing silly songs.

11:45- All that cave making, reading, dress up, etc. made us sleepy so I decide to start lunch a little earlier than usual.

11:55- Eat lunch and read part of our new favorite kids Bible.
We usually read this one during breakfast or lunch and then talk about it. I'm always amazed at what great questions Mackenzie's asks. She's one smart little cookie.

12:15- Finish lunch and start to clean up while the kids play in the family room.

Wes bumps his head on the table.
Thank goodness for boo boo bags.
They make everything better.

12:30-Put kids down for a nap.
Mackenzie was so excited to take her first nap in her new bunk bed!

Wesley was not so happy he had to nap in his old boring crib.

12:35- Clean up dishes from lunch.
Start to finish up a couple orders that needed to be shipped out that day
when I hear Mackenzie screaming for me in the other room.
I run into the kids room to find Wesley out of his crib (which he has never done before) and on top of the dresser.
I guess he was trying to show me he is ready for a big boy bed too.

12:45- Make two orders and go to print my shipping labels when I realize I have no more shipping envelopes.
I hate when that happens.

1:15- Mommy nap time :)
My favorite time of the day,
well that and when Daddy comes back home at night.

2:30- Kenzie wakes up and I let her watch an episode of Dora the Explorer.
3:00- Set Mackenzie up with some watercolors while the boy is still sleeping.

Sneak a little Mommy snack while Mackenzie isn't looking.
I have a weakness.
It's name is chocolate.

Mackenzie's masterpiece.

3:20- Clean up the house...again!
It seems like such a never ending task.

3:30- Wesley wakes up his usual cheery self :). He's NOT a morning person like his momma and pretty much always wakes up grouchy. It's usually a good 10 minutes before he will even let me put him down so we have our daily cuddle time.

Mackenzie trying to cheer her brother up.

She's my silly girl :)

3:40- Grab the kids and leave for a quick trip to Office Depot to get some more shipping envelopes.

4:20- Get home, print the labels and package up the orders from this afternoon.

4:35- Decide to walk to the post office (which is just down the street) to drop off the packages before they close.
Some days (a lot of days) we just need to get out of the house for a little fresh air

and flower smelling.

4:55- Get home and bring out the kid's play tunnel and tent.

It's been one of our favorite toys.
The kids play with it just about every day.

5:00- I change into my pj pants.

5:15- I start dinner while the kids "play."
Somehow Mackenzie gets hurt but Wesley makes sure his sissy is ok.
Here he is rubbing her stomach.
He's such a sweet boy!

5:40- Daddy is home!!

6:00- Eat dinner.
Just left overs tonight :)

6:25- I start the kids in the bath while Aaron does the dishes.
Yes, I have the best husband ever!
He's such a huge help around the house and with the kids.
I don't know what I would do without him.

Aaron helps me finish the kids bath (i.e. does everything while I watch. Have you ever tried bending over the side of the tub hugely pregnant to wash 2 wiggly kiddos. Not very easy.) and then takes over for a little Daddy time!

We all help Wesley read a book and try to say all the animals.
He's so cute!

Daddy makes a fort with the kids under Mackenzie's bunk bed.

The kids practice a little gymnastics.

And then we all read a Bible story together.

7:15- Bedtime!

7:30- I edit a 10 page paper Aaron had to write for an apprentice program he's doing at church and then remember how thankful I am to be done with school.
I so do not miss writing papers!

8:15- Read a chapter of "God, Marriage and Family" for a meeting I have tomorrow night while I try not to fall asleep.

9:00- Go to bed!
Making a baby is tiring stuff!

That's it for my very uneventful, not super exciting day.
Hope you enjoyed!

And don't forget to link up if you were able to join along!
I can't wait to read about a typical day in your family!


  1. The Jesus Storybook Bible is a favorite at our house too!

  2. I loved seeing your day. We love the Jesus Storybook Bible too. You're doing such an awesome job spending so much time reading Bible stories with your little ones!

    Your grocery store is so cool ... love the whale thing!

  3. Do you shop at Trader Joe's by any chance? We do and they hide a stuffed monkey in a Hawaiian shirt at ours!:)

    I loved seeing your day! Thanks for sharing and hosting the linky party!

  4. this was so much fun to read. you are one busy baby-making sahm.
