Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Unfinished business

I am the queen of starting a project and never finishing it.
It's an awful disease.
I can't even tell you the pile of cool stuff I have started and never got around to finishing.
This week I looked at my sewing table and realized the severity of my problem.
My desk is overflowing with unfinished business.
Take a look at my most recent yet-to-be-completed projects...

some much needed dress up clothes for the boy

Madelyn's half done quilt

a pile of girly fabrics waiting to be made into burp clothes for the baby girl

hair pretties waiting to be finished
Oh and underneath the hair pretties...the book that I started and have yet to finish :)

I need some intervention
or a whole day of uninterrupted sewing time.


  1. I vote you get the whole day of uninterrupted sewing time!

  2. Me too! I think if I had one weekend purely to myself, I could check everything off my list, and come home to my family completely refreshed... a girl can dream!

  3. I am the same way. But once I get my time? I spend it on the couch watching Bravo tv and relishing in the absolute silence :)

  4. I know what you mean! I have piles and boxes of half finished projects, a whole day of uninterrupted sewing would be amazing!
