Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jenny and Teddy Creations Giveaway!

Almost 7 years ago now Aaron and I spent a summer in Brazil.
When I say summer, I mean it was summer here in America.
But in the Southern part of Brazil where we lived it was anything but summer.
In fact it was freezing cold e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y.
And you know how I feel about the cold.
So a couple of crafty Brazilian ladies taught me how to crochet.
And I did.
I made beanies and scarfs to keep me and Aaron warm.
And even though I crocheted out of necessity I really learned to enjoy it
even though I'm pretty sure I have forgotten how to do it now that it's been so long.

Anyways, sorry for that trip down memory lane...
if you are a crocheter like I am (or at least used to be)
this giveaway is just for you!

has graciously offered to giveaway 3 crocheted patterns to
two lucky winners!

Take a look at some of her adorable stuff...

These little dolls look so soft and cuddly!
Wesley has a major obsession with monkeys.
I know he would go crazy for one of these.

I love how you can modify her patterns to make a bunch of different animals.
Aren't these little guys fun?!

These bunnies would be perfect for Easter
or any day in between.
Not a crocheter?
Jane sells a bunch of pre made cuties in her shop too!

1. Visit the Jenny and Teddy Creations shop.
Come back here and tell us what your favorite item is.
2. Visit Jane's blog, check out some of her free patterns and leave some comment love.
3. Follow my blog.
4. Follow me on Twitter.
6. Blog about this awesome giveaway.
Make sure to let me know the blog address you linked from in your comment.
7. Tweet or Facebook about it.
8. Tell us what your favorite thing about Spring is.

Giveaway will end at midnight
Friday, April 22nd.
Winner will be announced the following morning.

Good luck!


  1. SOooo cute. I would really love anything.
    pdf amigurumi crochet pattern sweet bear Emma and Emily kitten ,welcome to sell the finished item

  2. I visited her blog and left her a comment!

  3. I love spring because it reminds me to refresh my home, and to get out and enjoy the sunshine and flowers!

  4. tweet!/amolino/status/59455757640413185

  5. facebook!/permalink.php?story_fbid=217712604912905&id=1579017172

  6. blogged

  7. i follow you on twitter!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  8. i follow your blog!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  9. i love the spring because the pool opens! swimming every day!!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  10. i love that little baby chick!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  11. I actually love the giraffe, it is sooo cute.

  12. This is why I follow your blog, there are always wonderful ideas and links.
    I don't have a twitter account :(

  13. Since I cannot knit, I LOVE the hand crochet doll ready to ship-Benny!

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