Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Goodbye OC, Hello Yosemite!

We are ready.
The food has been bought (after a 3 hour Costco trip with 6 kids.
can. you. say. crazy!),

the clothes and camping supplies have been packed

and there is barely a square inch of free space left in our car.

Tomorrow morning we trade the view of our little col-de-sac for the view of beautiful mountains and trees and Merced River.
I can hardly wait!

Yosemite here we come!

See you in a few days!


  1. That looks like our car whenever we go on a road trip! Barely any room for the kids! Have a fun trip. It looks gorgeous.

  2. Oh, I am so jealous! Yosemite looks beautiful! I hope you all have a wonderful time. :)

    ALso wanted to let you know that I included you in my most recent blog post:
