Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday

I know I said I was going to quit What I Wore Wednesdays 
but a few of you said you would really miss it 
 and since I'm such a people pleaser 
I decided to post a handful of my outfits every other week or so.
We'll see how it works out. 


Oh and if you're new here and are wondering what is going on let me fill you in.
 What I Wore Wednesdays was started by a couple bloggers a while ago to help stay at home Mommy's (or anyone for that matter) get out of their yoga pants and into some real clothes every day. It's just a fun little accountability tool to help us look presentable to the outside world (you know, so we stay OFF the People of Walmart videos). 

shirt- thrifted
jeggings- Target
boots- Cathy Jean
necklace- Forever 21

white long sleeve shirt- old navy
knitted top- Macy's
jeans- Paige
necklace- Old Navy
(forgot to put my shoes on before I took the pic. Whoops).

white tee- Old Navy
cardigan- Old Navy
skinny jeans- Levis
boots- Cathy Jean
belt- vintage

striped top- Forever 21
cardigan- Forever 21
jeans- Target
boots- Cathy Jean
necklace- made by me :)

top- Banana Republic
jeans- Paige
sandals- Target

(look at Mackenzie in the picture. She cracks me up)

necklace- Forever 21

dress- Khols
cardigan- Target
black boots- H&M

and I decided to add this necklace right before I left the house

necklace- Forever 21

top- Target
skinny jeans- Levis
boots- Cathy Jean
necklace- Forever 21

top- Nordstroms
jacket- Target
jeggings- Forever 21
boots- Cathy Jean
necklace- vintage


  1. I love the first shirt and the dress!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. LOVE all of your outfits!!! And your baby is precious!

  3. you look so great! Have you lost all of your baby weight? My goodness you really do look great! I have been trying to loose my baby weight, and my son is almost 3! I am at a size 8 right now, I would really like to drop to a size 6 or even a 4!

    What have you been doing to loose the weigh? I am dying to know :)


  4. This is great! I'm no fan of those dim souls who spend all their time shooting the worst images of (usually) obese in whatever they can afford to wear. If the clothing can be changed we owe it to us to give our spirits a lift. Thanks for teh reminder, Cordially, Nehmah62
