Thursday, September 20, 2012

Room swap

 We have entered a new era
well not really
but these two no longer share a room.

The farewell picture.

As of a couple days ago the girls are officially together and the boy is alone (and praying that baby number 4 is a boy so he will have another roommate soon). 
I was a little nervous the transition would be hard but so far it has been super easy. 
I'm actually wondering what took me so long.
Two days this week all 3 have taken a nap!
And the girls so quietly and calmly do their girl things while the boy can be a boy in his own room (without getting yelled at over messing up polly pockets, etc.).
Plus I got the cutest bedroom set for the girls off Craiglist (score) and Wes feels super cool now that he gets to be in the top bunk so overall it's a win win.

What do your kids sleeping arrangements look like?


  1. So fun, glad they transitioned well.
    I have a feeling we will be in the same boat as y'all. My son has just turned three, my daughter is 14 mths and baby boy is due January. The two oldest will probably share until I we a need a separate by gender.
    Good to know the boy/girl rooming works!

  2. We have a 10 yo girl, a 7 yo girl, and a 5 yo boy in one room. God bless the beds from Ikea! And our 18 yo boy has his own room, because near-men have a different sleep schedule than grade-schoolers! And 5 yo boy naps in top bunk of big brother's room. We had kiddos (one at a time) in a big closet in our room for about 5 years, but we are enjoying our own room now. You just keep moving them around until it works well!
