Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How did this happen!?

Yesterday Mackenzie started Kindergarten. 
You would think I was sending her off to college or something. 
I was so dreading this day. 
Dreading the beginning of the end of these little years. 

But she loved it. LOVED it!
And I didn't cry (praise the Lord) but I did count down the hours until she was home again. 
The other kiddos were pretty lost with their leader (boss) gone for half the day. 
The dynamics of our house were just off but I'm sure they (we) will get used to it soon. 

Oh and I left the kindergarten parent meeting as Room Mom! 
I still have no idea what that means but I'm excited to be a big part of whatever is going on in her class and at her school. 
Because this is where God has us for now and this is our mission field. 
I'm praying that 2013/14 would be a great year filled with lots of fun and learning and most importantly that the Lord would use us to be salt and light to those around us!

Have your kids started school yet?