Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A peek into our day...
yesterday that is. 

coffee is a morning all day necessity

We were late to school.

We have the best pomegranate tree ever. 
I didn't think I liked pomegranates till I tried one of ours. 
Plus its free fruit. 
And we eat a lot of fruit around here.  

We got some happy mail from Stickygram

One of my neighbors said I gave her a stigma because my house is always clean.
I was flattered that she thought that but I assured her that is far (far far far) from the truth
and have been texting her lots of pictures of the messiness to prove it. 

Sometimes we eat mac and cheese (the blue box.not the healthy stuff) for lunch. 
Or dinner. 
Don't judge. 

Guess who is using their money to buy magic erasers. 
Hint...not me.

 brown butter for this
Or as I like to call it butter gold. 

Dinner guests who give good snuggles

new shirt.


  1. Don't feel bad- we eat the blue box of mac'n cheese for lunch too- and supper on occasion. Why does it taste SO much better than the healthy kind? If they took out the dye it wouldn't be that bad for us!

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