Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Sucking/Drool Pads for an Ergo Baby Carrier Tutorial

If you have a baby (or toddler)
you need an Ergo.
It is by far
hands down
the best baby carrier.

It's a little pricey
but worth every penny.
Trust me.
I use mine at least a couple times a week.
And I am not naturally a baby carrying momma.
It's just so awesome and convenient that I use it
all. the. time.
Plus my I-wish-my-mom-was-an-attachment-parent baby loves it
so it makes both of us happy.

Anyways, once you get the Ergo you will notice
that your baby loves to suck on the straps.
It's inevitable.
Since it's kind of gross to have baby slobber all over your straps
and it's not good or convenient to be constantly washing your baby carrier
Ergo came up with these sucking pads.
Great idea but not worth $14-$20
when you could make them way cuter and for free!

So here's my version of some baby sucking/drool pads for the awesome-change-your-life-forever Ergo baby carrier.

-Scrap cotton fabric
-Scrap flannel fabric (or cotton batting)
-Scrap chenille or terry cloth fabric
-Small piece of ribbon

Step 1:
Create a 9 1/4 inch x 6 1/2 inch template or pattern for your sucking pad.
(I just used a ruler and a scrap piece of paper).

Trace around your template with a water soluble sewing pen onto the back (or wrong side) of your fabric.
Repeat so you have two.

Step 2:
Cut out a piece of flannel and a piece of chenille slightly larger than the piece of fabric with your template on it.

Layer the pieces of fabric as follows:
flannel (or batting)
chenille (or terry), right side up
cotton fabric with template on it, right side down
(see picture if your confused)
Pin in place.

Step 3:
If you would like to add a ribbon tag so you can attach toys to your drool pads now is the time to do it.

Cut off a piece of ribbon. Fold the ribbon in half and pin in between the chenille and cotton fabric (please note the picture does not have the ribbon in between the two layers like it should be). Make sure the fold of the ribbon is facing down and you place the tails of the ribbon over the line you have for your template so you will catch them as you sew.

Step 4:
Sew along the template line leaving a small opening to turn the pads right side out. Trim the remaining fabric away.

Step 5:
Turn pads right side out. Iron flat.

Step 6:
Top stitch around the pads being sure to catch the opening you turned your pads though. Cut a strip of Velcro the length of the pad and sew on as pictured above.

And your done!
No more spit soaked straps for your Ergo carrier!

After you're done admiring
how cute the drool pads look and
how easy they were to make

strap them onto your Ergo,

hook a few links and a toy or two onto the ribbon tag,

put your cute baby in

and give them a try!

Or if you're not the crafty type, I've made a few and listed them in my shop.
Check them out here.


  1. The ribbon for the toys is such a fantastic idea!

  2. My ergo has changed my life! I looked at those drool pads and thought "I could make those" but never did. This tutorial is fantastic and just what I needed. thank you!!!

  3. I started with a Moby wrap and a hand-me-down Bjorn, both of which I loved, but this year for my birthday and my son's first (same day!!) we got an Ergo and I LOVE IT!

    I have been wanting to make these pads and I have looked all over online and haven't found a good one. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. Oh.My.Goodness! I thought I was the only person in the world with a baby who sucked the straps... I've been telling myself for nine months I need to make something to cover them, and now I know I'm not crazy! Thank you!

  5. I made these today - they were really easy and turned out great. Thanks for the tutorial!!!

  6. Just wanted to let you know that I loved this idea sooo much I had to whip some up asap and write about it today on my blog! Come say hi!

  7. This is an awesome idea! I have 2 ERGOs and they are both stained with slobber! My baby (20 months) doesn't really suck on the straps anymore, but I bet my daughter could use some for HER baby :-)

    thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh - this is so good! Thank you. I forgot to leave extra space around the template for sewing, so mine are a little bit small, but I'm going to try and use snaps instead of velcro. Thank you so much - I can't sew, but these actually turned out really well!!

  9. Your tutorial rocks! I made one set and plan to make a few more, since we aren't finding out what we are having. I liked someones idea of using the pattern to make the car seat belt covers. I'm going to try that. Plus make one for me when my belly gets too big and the belt rubs on my neck, quite uncomfortable. Thank you!!

  10. Thank you so much for this tutorial! We are now full time ergo users, and these pads came in great. We use them more as pillows than drool pads, actually, so it helps for naps.

    Fantastic step by step directions


  11. I made these today for my 4 month old grandson. Thanks for the tutorial - nice job.

  12. Are you still selling these on Esty? It says something about you being on maternity leave. Thanks.

  13. I NEED to make these! My son sucks on the straps every time he's in it and it's so gross! And the ribbon for toys - genius! I wouldn't have thought of that!

  14. I would have never thought of these! Thanks so much! And, I bought thick wash clothes at Target for the terry cloth backing - easier and maybe cheaper than buying terry cloth.

  15. Oh I love my ergo!! I found mine at the local consignment store here for $29! So making my own teethibg covers are needed too! Thank you! I never thought of the toy hook!

  16. Great tutorial! Thanks for sharing! I will definitely give making my own a go now that I have seen this!

  17. Such a great idea to put the ribbon on it for the rings!!!! The ones I bought in Japan don't have that feature. :)

    XO/Lena @ Root&Blossom

  18. Perfect tutorial! Grabbed my fabric today from Joann's and will sew these up after little ones are in bed! Thanks so much!!

    Scentsy Consultant

  19. Great tutorial!! In the picture, it looks as though you might be wearing your Ergo too low. Your baby's head should be close enough to kiss, and the bottom should be strapped around your waist (it looks like it's sitting on your hip bones).

  20. Such a great idea to put the ribbon on it for the rings!!!! The ones I bought in Japan don't have that feature. :) www.thesafebabyhub.com

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