Monday, February 17, 2014

What we have been up to...

Heelllo Strangers!
It's good to be back. 
The last few months have flown by...I can't believe it's almost March. 
I guess we have been busy. 
Here's a peek of what we have been up to. 

We drove (16 hours!) to Boise, Idaho for 10 days 
right after Christmas/over the New Year. 

We had the best time visiting family, enjoying the snow, and celebrating my birthday (do you see the real life horse drawn sled we went on? So cool!).
Oh and we rented this bad boy for our road tripping adventure (thanks to the transmission on our van going out the day before the trip). 
It was awesome. 

Kenzie lost her fifth and sixth tooth! 

We made a zillion Valentines. 
Washi tape for the win.

Our church started a mom's group on Friday mornings. 
It has been so good for my soul. 
Jana Alayra was one of my favorite speakers this year. 

We flew to Florida to surprise Aaron's Dad for his 70th birthday! 
Some people thought we were crazy for driving to Idaho but I think that 16 hour drive was easier than the plane rides to Flordia. 

It was so good to see our Florida family and to really surprise (I mean shock!) Aaron's dad when we knocked on his door. 

We also got to go to Disneyworld 3 days (thanks to family who work there)! 
And yes we totally went even though it was pouring rain and rocked some ponchos. 

Aren't these beautiful?
I wish Aaron's great grandma was still around so I could get to know her and learn all her crafty secrets. 
She was one talented lady! 

This girl. 
I want to freeze her at 2 forever. 

I did a little painting. 

I was so excited to score these at the thrift store and can't wait to start reading them with the kids. 

Forts are fun and the kids have the best fort building room

We got the flu.
All I have to say is next year I'm definitely getting the flu shot.

 We doubled the size of our square foot gardens and replanted lots of new goodies. 

I freaked out when I saw that Becky Higgins Project life is now sold at Michaels. 
Hello 40% off coupon! 
I'm about half way done with our 2013 album (now I only have 6.5 more years to go) and am loving it! Love love love! 

I want to post this prayer all over my house. 
You nailed it Thomas Aquinas. 

So what have you guys been up to in 2014?


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