Monday, August 23, 2010


I'm hooked on gardening.
I still don't know if I'm any good at it
but I'm convinced it's pretty much the coolest thing ever.

It's so exciting to watch things grow
and even more exciting when you know you played a part in it.

The kids love it too.
Mackenzie is my watering buddy.
She loves to "help" water the plants but I'm pretty sure it's just an excuse to get wet.
She usually ends up soaked by the time we are done :)

We are finally getting something edible!
Here is one of our first cucumbers.

How cute is our little watermelon!

We have made quite a few yummy salad's with our lettuce.
It's been one of the easier things for us to grow.

My friend and I bought a ton of tomato plants knowing we would use them on a regular basis.
They are all just now getting ready to harvest.

Even our topsy turvie is producing some fruit.

This baby is our pride and joy!
He is our giant, humongous cherry tomato plant.
It's taller than Mackenzie

and is jam packed with tomatoes.


One lesson we have learned with our garden is that good soil is super important (Duh, right?).
This is the front of our house.
See the small planter that goes around our windows?
It had tons of pretty flowers in it.
When my friend and I started our garden we ran out of room in the actual garden (below) so we stuck a few herbs and two tomato plants in with the flowers.

Come to find out our tiny planter with the flowers
is THE prime soil.
See mister giant tomato on the right hand side?
Yup he lives in the tiny planter below my windows.

Our big garden with ALL the rest of our veggies and fruit
has the not so good soil.
Of course it worked out that way :)

Do any of you guys have gardens?
What are some tips or lessons you have learned?
What are your favorite things to grow?


Katie said...

We had a garden this year, but the weeks and weeks of extreme heat has pretty well done anything in. We got a few harvests of hot peppers, green onions, lettuce & lots of herbs. Our tomatoes are still going and we might get some yellow squash in the near future.

We also plant lots of flowers. I started zinnias from seed for the first time this year and they've pretty much taken over the entire bed.

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