My baby boy turned 5 today.
Seriously, how did that happen?!
I still remember the days this boy had colic and I thought he would never do anything but cry.
Who would of known that sad baby would turn into such a joy filled young man.
Who would of known that sad baby would turn into such a joy filled young man.
Wesley Paul,
Happy Birthday sweet boy!
I can't believe you are 5 years old.
This past year you have grown and matured so much.
You are growing into the godly man that Daddy and I pray for.
You are silly and sweet
and totally crazy!
You do stuff that makes me want to pull my hair out and then sweet talk me so I can't even be mad at you.
You are always eager to give out compliments and tell us how much you love us.
You are a little charmer already!
You love to cook and sew and pretty much help with anything Daddy or I (or anyone else) is doing.
Unless it is unloading the dishwasher.
You don't really like helping with that.
You don't really like helping with that.
You are playful and have a brilliant imagination.
You are so sweet and forgiving.
You didn't even get mad at me when I accidentally shaved all your pretty hair off.
You are adventurous and love to go camping and exploring.
Recently you learned how to do the monkey bars like a boss.
You are always making us laugh.
Our family would not be nearly as much fun or exciting without you in it.
You are obsessed with your Bapa.
You are the kind of kid everyone wants to be around.
You make everything super fun!
And sometimes (maybe lots of time) you get in trouble for having too much fun.
You have a heart of gold.
We are so thankful that you are our son!
We pray that you continue to love Jesus and love others with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
and that you grow in godliness as you grow in wisdom and stature.
We love you big boy!!
Happy number five!