Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Wesley!

My baby boy turned 5 today. 
Seriously, how did that happen?! 
I still remember the days this boy had colic and I thought he would never do anything but cry.
Who would of known that sad baby would turn into such a joy filled young man. 

Wesley Paul,
Happy Birthday sweet boy! 
I can't believe you are 5 years old. 
This past year you have grown and matured so much. 
You are growing into the godly man that Daddy and I pray for. 
You are silly and sweet
and totally crazy!
You do stuff that makes me want to pull my hair out and then sweet talk me so I can't even be mad at you. 
 You are always eager to give out compliments and tell us how much you love us.
You are a little charmer already! 
 You love to cook and sew and pretty much help with anything Daddy or I (or anyone else) is doing. 
Unless it is unloading the dishwasher.
You don't really like helping with that. 
You are playful and have a brilliant imagination. 
 You are so sweet and forgiving. 
You didn't even get mad at me when I accidentally shaved all your pretty hair off. 
You are adventurous and love to go camping and exploring. 
 Recently you learned how to do the monkey bars like a boss. 
You are always making us laugh. 
Our family would not be nearly as much fun or exciting without you in it. 
 You are obsessed with your Bapa. 
You are the kind of kid everyone wants to be around. 
You make everything super fun! 
And sometimes (maybe lots of time) you get in trouble for having too much fun. 
You have a heart of gold.
 We are so thankful that you are our son! 
We pray that you continue to love Jesus and love others with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
 and that you grow in godliness as you grow in wisdom and stature. 
We love you big boy!! 
Happy number five! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Random things

1.  I tried using Coconut oil as a sunscreen and it kind of worked (see this post to learn more)
2. I'm on a mission to grow giant "Mammoth" sunflowers.
3. I just became a hippie. Not really but I did just start using doTERRA essential oils and am loving them. Actually I'm not sure who loves them more, me or the kids.
4. Kenzie started a summer swim team and is loving it. 
She pretty much was built to swim (since she is part giant).
5. We have been having so much fun checking things off our summer fun list. Yay for summer!! 
6. Speaking of summer, I plan on letting the kids wear swim suits all day everyday. 
It's all part of my summer dream of not having to spend an entire day doing laundry. 
7. Play makeup is the easiest thing to make. 
Just pour nail polish into your old makeup containers and become the coolest mom ever. 
8. Proof that my kids (and mommy) don't always do their chores with happy hearts. 
9. Tomato season is my favey fav. 
10. This kid is offically walking. 
 11. Do yourself a favor and make these browned butter Nutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies. 
12. This brush is magic. I don't know how it works but it does.
And trust me we have tried every other no tangle brush on the market.  
13. Hudson is Aaron's mini me. 
14. Our future jack-o-lanterns are growing like crazy. Why didn't we ever grow these before?!
 15. How cute is this ice cream garland my friend made for us? So fun! 
 16. Can you guess where we went on our latest camping adventure? 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Spread some cheer today

Happy flowers make Mondays better. 
Go spread some Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, any day!) cheer. 
 Ralphs has 5 stems of gladiolus on sale for $1.99. 
Seriously, go put a smile on 5 of your neighbors faces. 
It's so easy and so fun. 
I think sneaking things onto people's front doors is one of me and the kids favorite things ever. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


It's finally summer!  
We had a great school year but this year I have been anticipating summer like never before. 
I'm soaking up every second of having all my kiddos with me every day. 
And having no agenda. 
Well other than fun and sun! 
I love doing the first and last day of school pictures.
I think Kenzie looks pretty much the same but she lost 4 more teeth and I'm sure she grew another foot taller. 
The past couple of years we have made a summer fun list. 
I love how it helps us be intentional about actually doing all the fun things we want to do and how it gives our week some direction.
Plus checking off boxes is super fun.
So far we have gone to the lake
and discovered Huddy's hidden talent. 
He'll probably be a pro surfer by the time he's 10.
He's got some crazy balancing skills. 
We have been taking some evening strolls to the park after dinner. 
Wesley was so excited to finally be able to do the monkey bars all by himself! 
We went to the library
(I always forget how awesome it is. Why don't we go more often?!)
and had a bonfire with friends at the beach. 
We made rootbeer floats
(which half of my kids thought were gross....WHAT???!!!)
{more beach fun}
Kenzie had her first swim meet. 
We are all loving swim. 
It's so exciting to watch!! 
 We have been enjoying lots of days at the pool too. 
I'm so excited that the pool is finally doable (and dare I say enjoyable).
The last few years were so hard with so many little ones.
I was always worried someone was going to drown! 
But this year I am so thankful for swimmers and Puddle jumpers. 

Hope you guys are enjoying summer too!!