Hey strangers!
I've been meaning to get back here for a long time.
It just seemed like so much has happened and I didn't have the energy to write a looooong boring recap post.
So I'm just going to stick with a cliffs notes version.
Here's goes...
1. Kenzie turned 7.
seriously how do I have a s.e.v.e.n. year old?!
Don't tell her I still haven't done her birthday blog post yet, ok?
2. We bought a cabin!
in Big Bear (our local mountains!).
It's so magical there (especially in the snow).
We rent it out on airbnb if you ever want to come for a stay.
3. White Collar
Our new favorite show. If you are looking for a new series to start, it's available on Netflix.
4. I've been painting in my free time. I forgot how much I love it.
5. I got the best Christmas present ever!
(oh I also got bangs)
Me and my Madson bike are BFFs.
6. I really really want to read the Bible all the way through this year and I'm super excited about my new journaling Bible.
7. Our best friends are moving to New Zealand in just a few days. It's been so hard to try to say goodbye but we are so excited for what God has for them there.
8. This is my life. Trying to sew (or fill in the blank) while 2-3 other things at the same time. Today it was pinning and play dough tasting. Motherhood=multitasking
9. Aaron and I got to go to Hawaii (kidless!) to celebrate our 10 year anniversary which meant sleeping in, uninteruppted conversations, enjoying water without worrying about anyone drowning and hiking without anyone complaining they were tired. But we totally missed the kids.
10. We got a puppy!
Her name is Roxy and she's an Australian Shepherd.
I love her and I hate her at the same time.
Just kidding I love her, but puppy training is no joke people.
10. I miss you all! And this little blog. Hopefully I'll be blogging more than once every 5 months.
See you again soon!