A couple people have brought to my attention
that I never really laid out the whole reason why we are moving to New Zealand.
I kind of addressed it here but I thought I'd elaborate a bit.
(If you are super confused right now go here to catch up.)
If you've ever been to New Zealand you know it's a beautiful country.
In fact it's probably the most beautiful country I have ever been to.
That's totally a perk but definitely not the reason we are going.
The reality is
people everywhere need Jesus.
The people in rural Africa,
the people in big city Asia,
my next door neighbor,
you, me
we are all in desperate need of a Savior.
The Bible says we are all sinners.
If you are anything like me, you know this is true.
Since God is holy and perfect and just
and we are not
we are separated from God.
No matter how many good deeds we do
we can never measure up to God's standard.
And since God is a good and just judge
He can't let anyone into heaven who doesn't measure up.
Your probably thinking ok...
this is BAD news.
And it is.
We all deserve to go to hell.
Sin=death (Romans 6:23)
But thankfully it doesn't end there.
God, is his grace, sent his son Jesus
who was fully God and fully man
to the earth.
Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life
the life that we, in our sin, could never live.
Then he died, a sinner's death, on the cross
in our place
exchanging our sin with his holiness.
Then three days after He died and was buried
He rose from the dead!!
He did all of this so that we could be in relationship with Him and
spend eternity with God in heaven.
And He did this all by His grace
because He loves us
so. so. so. much.
And that's what it's all about.
Jesus has so radically changed my life
that I want to tell everyone about Him.
He is far too good to keep to myself.
I remember when I first became a Christian,
I was angry
at all the people who knew the Lord
and never told me about Him.
Angry that they assumed I already knew Him
or were too ashamed to tell me
or whatever reason they had to for keeping the Good News to themselves.
I don't know what I would do without Christ.
He is the best thing that ever happened to me.
He is what gives my life meaning.
He is worth everything to me.
Nothing compares to knowing Him.
And because of all these things and more
I can't help but tell everyone I know about Him.
So that's why we are going to New Zealand.
To tell people about Jesus and start a church.
Because the Gospel is way too good to keep to myself.

Go here for a more detailed explanation or feel free to email me with any questions.
I'd love to talk :)