Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cherrios Christmas trees

Yesterday we made craft number two...
Cherrio Christmas trees. 

 All you need are

First I pre cut a christmas tree shape and star out of cardstock for each of the kids and trimmed off a few pieces of ribbon from my stash.

 Then I let the kids glue the star to the top of the tree and the ribbon on as decoration.

And lastly we glued Cherrios onto the trees as "ornaments". 

I put dots of glue down for the kids to make it a little (less) messy. 
My kids l.o.v.e. glue. 

And there you have it. 
Another fun and easy Christmas craft to do with the kids. 

Happy crafting!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Q tip painting (snowman)

Yay! It's Thanksgiving break!  
A week off school (and school drop off/pick up) deserves celebrating.
I asked Kenzie what she wanted to do during the week off.
her answer....
Lots of crafts. 
So I told her we could do one every day. 

Today we made a snowman painting using Q tips.

Super easy and it was all stuff we already had at home. 
Just Q tips, paint and paper.
I drew the outline of the snowman and his hat onto the paper lightly with a crayon and they did the rest. 

Even Maddie and Wesley were able to do it. 

I love how all of ours turned out unique. 
I'm trying to find the perfect place to display them. 

And since I'm going for the Mom of the year award today we also painted finger nails...Christmas theme (of course). 

Do your kids have the whole week off school too?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A peek into our day...
yesterday that is. 

coffee is a morning all day necessity

We were late to school.

We have the best pomegranate tree ever. 
I didn't think I liked pomegranates till I tried one of ours. 
Plus its free fruit. 
And we eat a lot of fruit around here.  

We got some happy mail from Stickygram

One of my neighbors said I gave her a stigma because my house is always clean.
I was flattered that she thought that but I assured her that is far (far far far) from the truth
and have been texting her lots of pictures of the messiness to prove it. 

Sometimes we eat mac and cheese (the blue box.not the healthy stuff) for lunch. 
Or dinner. 
Don't judge. 

Guess who is using their money to buy magic erasers. 
Hint...not me.

 brown butter for this
Or as I like to call it butter gold. 

Dinner guests who give good snuggles

new shirt.

Monday, November 18, 2013

cray cray

Remind never to do two boutques at the same time again.
That was crazy....but so fun too.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday I had my final Sugar Plum boutique of the year and then Saturday I had another boutque in Mission Viejo.
Coffee...was my BFF this weekend. 

 Friday night I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning sewing more towels and painting this sign for the second booth my hubby made for the Mission Viejo boutique. 

What a hard working guy I have.
I definitely wouldn't be able to do anything without him and his support. 
Thanks babe! 

And thanks to all of you who supported me making the craziness worth it. I sold out of almost all of my towels!
empty booth=happy vendor

As much as I love selling at boutiques 
I love shopping at them too.
It's so fun being able to support fellow crafters and get some one of a kind pieces. 

And I'm thankful for my little people too who by the grace of God think helping at boutiques is fun. 
Mackenzie is counting down the years till she can stay the whole time and help me (bless her soul). 

This weekend was full of good surprises. 
Our chickens also started laying eggs!! 
It's like Christmas morning every day. 

Hope you guys had a great weekend too. 
Can you guys believe it's almost December?!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall in Southern California

Lately I have been a little grumpy about our lack of fall weather. 

I'd really love to be sitting under one of these trees drinking hot apple cider dressed in a scarf and boots. But instead I'm in shorts, a t shirt and my Rainbow flip flops. 

But yesterday we took advantage of the holiday and headed to the beach. 
And I was reminded that living in Southern California does have its perks.
It may not be cold enough to need scarfs or sweaters but we can still wear sandals and go to the beach in November. 
Which isn't that bad after all. 
 We call this the baby play pen.
Thank you Trader Joes.
You are always saving the day. 

 Some of my favorite babies on the beach.
With the sun setting behind them.
Picture perfect.

  I love that gummy smile! 

Hope you guys had a great Veterans day too
weather it was at the beach or in the snow or somewhere in between. 
(Just don't tell me if it was sitting under a pretty tree sipping hot apple cider). 

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Sometimes I just stop and think

"Wow. We are a family of 6."

I couldn't be more blessed and thankful to call this crazy bunch my family. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nature crafting (with leaves)

We heart nature crafting.
The supplies are free and everywhere!
 Plus you get out of the house for a little pre craft adventure to gather them up.
What's not to love about that. 

Our favorite "nature" craft supply is leaves.
Sometimes we collect fallen ones but since we live in Orange County where you can't quite tell if it really is fall or still summer we resorted to picking some live ones off a bush.

 For this project I drew a little turkey, let the kids color it in and then we glued the leaves to the back of the turkey to look like tails feathers. 

Easy peasy. 

This was Wesley's masterpiece. 
I asked him why he scribbled the turkey out with black crayon.
His response...
"Mom, the turkey is hiding under a rock." 
Of course it is. 

What are some easy craft projects you do with your kids. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Queen Bee recap

Hey Guys!
What a whirlwind these past couple weeks have been!
And now it's November...already! 

First I want to say thank you to everyone that came out to support me at The Queen Bee Market.
It was so fun getting to meet new friends and lots of amazing vendors. 
My hubby (who was/is a total rockstar) snapped this pic of me at our booth.
Although I'm still getting the hang of the business side of things I love being able to sell things that I make. 
I get so much joy being able to use my creativity to bless others. 
And even in the midst of the craziness I feel like there is nothing else I would rather do (for now at least). It's so nice to be able to escape to my sewing room and create.

There were so many amazing vendors at the Queen Bee Market. 
I seriously could have bought something from everyone there.
Here's a peek at some of the things that I did come home with. 

 Nina from Blackbird Photography took these fun pics of my booth from the Market. 

And since the Queen Bee Market was in Oceanside (about an hour from our house) we stayed at my parents time share in Escondido and turned the weekend into a little vacation. 
The kiddos were so cute. 
They chose to all sleep together on the pull out couch instead of their own beds. 
One day I'll remind them how much they loved each other. 

How was your weekend?