Friday, December 30, 2011

Wesley's pillow

The other day I made a pillow for Wesley. 
I don't think he's ever loved something so much in his entire life.

He's had pillow envy for quite some time. 
You see, back in the day when I only had one kid
I made Mackenzie a bazillion pillows for her big girl bed. 
And ever since Wesley got his big boy bed he's wanted some special pillows to go with it too. 

The other day I figured it was way past time we make the little man some pillows. 
he. was. so. excited. 
He helped me pick out all of the fabrics and watch me cut and iron and sew. 

And he hasn't put the pillow down since it was stuffed and sewn closed. 

And he shows everyone who comes over his pillow and tells them that I sewed it for him.
It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. 
I've got a couple more in store for him that I'll share when I'm done.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


December is my favorite month of the year. 
3 very important birthday are celebrated every December (Mackenzie, JESUS, and me) which probably has something to do with my love for the month but I also love all the lights, Christmas music, decorations, festivities, Winter Dream Tea Lattes, etc. 
It's such a fun time of year. 

Here's a quick look at some of the holiday fun we have had over the past couple weeks. 

Love these 3 little cuties. 

Wesley made his first debut on the big stage for our woman's Bible study Christmas performance.
He and Mackenzie were both so excited and adorable.  

We went to a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party that some of my friend's threw.
My kids are still talking about it.  

I enjoyed my fair share of this yummy goodness. 

Despite my efforts to keep her little forever she keeps growing. 

We borrowed Aaron's shaving cream and made some snow art. 

We went to our friend's annual fancy dinner party. 
It's another big reason I love December.
Great food, great friends, 

lots of laughing (aren't these the coolest paper masks you have ever seen?!), 

and the best white elephant gifts ever. 
(Yes that is a live lobster).

Mackenzie had another Christmas performance.
This time at big church. 

And she was definitely the cutest one there
(I may be a little bias).

We had a Christmas party with our Community Group from church and managed to get an almost complete group picture. 

This year we had Aaron's parents and my parents over on Christmas morning. 
It was awesome to be able to celebrate Jesus with some of our favorite people. 

and as always we were spoiled with lots of awesome and generous gifts. 

Oh and we visited Santa and Mrs. Claus. 

It was a great and fun filled December! 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas! 

I'm still in awe of the Gospel.
It's almost too good to be true
I guess that's why it's called good news. 

Today and always, I'm so thankful that He came. 
That God in flesh came to the earth as a baby
and that he lived a perfect, sinless life 
and that he died on the cross for my sins. 
His love is so great,
so incomprehensible.
I'm so thankful to know and serve such an awesome God.

Hope you guys had a great day celebrating Jesus!
We sure did!

Advent: God With Us from The Village Church on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mini Me?

My mom is awesome. 
She saved so much fun stuff from when my brother and I were little.
 She even saved a handful of my old clothes (her favorites). 
A few months ago we came across a jean skirt and jacket set of mine and have been talking about getting a picture of Mackenzie in it, just for fun.
So today Kenzie and I dug up an old picture of me wearing it, put on the outfit, rocked a side pony tail (remember those?) and had a little photo shoot. 
She thought it was so cool to be wearing the same outfit I did. 
I thought it was pretty cool too. 
 So what do you think?
Is she a little mini me?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Prayer Pail Update

I'm always making something for my kids.
I kind of can't help it.
It's like the inner crafter in me can't go more than a few days or weeks without breaking free.
If you are a crafter/ type you know what I mean.
Some of the things I make are total failures.
Either I mess it up trying to make it, my idea wasn't nearly as cool as I thought it would be once I saw it come to life, or my kids instantly dislike it (despite my best efforts to convince them how cool it really is).
Other things the kids love...for about a week.
They play with it for a while and then once the newness wears off they are over it. 
Just like that.
And then every once and a while 
a stream of genius hits me and I come up with something that sticks. 
for the long haul.

The Prayer Pail is definitely one of the most used things I have ever made. 
We still use it e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y.
And even better..they kids still LOVE it! 
They each get so excited to pick a stick before meal times and to pray for whoever it is.
And I love that it helps our family be intentional about praying for others.
It's been such a blessing to be able to see God answer prayer after prayer after prayer.  

Since it had been two and a half years since the Prayer Pail was created we were way overdue for some new sticks. 

It was so fun to add all of the new friends and people the Lord has brought into our life over the past two years. 

We can't wait to see how God will continue to work in the lives of our friends and family. 

He is so good!

John 14:13-14 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Puzzle Cube

I come from a puzzle loving, game playing kind of family.
Every holiday (or family gathering for that matter) involves some kind of game whether it be ping pong, board games, or our favorite- card games.
And just recently Aaron and I have started a weekly game night. 
It's been fun to spend more quality time together and to finally be able to beat him at something :) (I remain undefeated...just had to throw that in there.)
Anyways, when I saw this super cool puzzle cube tutorial I immediately thought of about 5 people in my family who would love it.
Maybe you have a puzzle lover who would like it too.

Check out the tutorial HERE.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Randoms

Hey Guys!
I can't believe it's Friday (again) and already!
The month is December is whizzing by so fast!
I'm trying to savor every last second of it.
Here's a peek at our week through the lens of my trusty iPhone.

We took a trip to the Spectrum.
It's one of our favorite hang out spots and we love that since we moved we are only a few minutes away.

Sometimes I pretend like I don't know them.
Is that bad? :)

a picture I painted back in my painting days.

We went to Aaron's work Christmas party in LA.
We sat in traffic for almost 2 1/2 hours and arrived 45 minutes late.
We stayed for 2 hours and then left so we could get home to the little ones.
Then our car broke down (in downtown LA) and we had to get towed all.the.way.home.
It was a loooonng night but I'm glad I had my favorite person to keep me company.

a family of 5 produces a lot of laundry.
I am sure thankful that God has blessed me with so many little legs and bellies and toes to dress and so many clothes to cover them with.
He is so good to us!

We made blanket forts.

Every time Nsync comes up on Pandora, Mackenzie runs to the TV and says, "Look Mommy, there's a picture of Daddy."
And I laugh every time.
I think she think Aaron looks like the guy in the middle (I'm totally blanking on his name!)

My kids heart dinosaur rides on their Daddy (a.k.a. the dinosaur).

I am reading this book and l.o.v.i.n.g. it!
I have so much to learn when it comes to parenting.

Mackenzie is a giant.
We went to her 4 year check up and they sent us to get an X-ray of her bones to make sure she is still human (she is OFF the charts for her height).

This picture makes me laugh because it is probably something that Aaron would have done as a kid.
I'm not even sure who did it (but I think it was probably Mackenzie).

She is getting way too big, too fast!
Did I tell you she is totally crawling?!

We saw Santa at the mall.
From afar.
Why would anyone ever pay $20 just to sit on his lap (especially when you could go see him for free a zillion other places)?

We played at the mall with friends
(that blur is Mackenzie).

Then we went to see Santa and Mrs. Claus with friends at the coolest Santa spot ever
where there are trains and fake snow and hot chocolate involved.

Oh and it SNOWED in Orange County!!!!
That never happens around here.
(Some are calling it hail but there was a good 3 inches of it and I am sticking to my belief that it was in fact snow).

I can't wait for all of my kids to be potty trained.
We have an incident like this at least once a day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Pictures 2011

This year
our super talented and close friend Lindsay took our family pictures.
I am absolutely in love with how they turned out.
It's so special to have this fun, busy, crazy season of life (with 3 little ones 4 years and under) documented so beautifully.
I know I'll cherish these pictures and this season of life (craziness and all) for years to come.
Anyways, here they are.