Here's a peek at our week through the camera lens of my phone.
I love the way they play together.
Testing out Daddy's backpacking tent and counting down the years until he can go too.
The fair last week was awesome!
The kids had a blast on all of the rides.
Especially the fun houses.
And my heart was so full seeing them have so much fun.
Being a parent is pretty awesome.
This little one melts my heart.
Taking a rest to massage our feet.
25 cents well spent.
And a trip to the fair isn't complete without a cinnamon roll.
Kenzie and I also had the best Mommy and me day.
We did a little shopping, eating and then playing at Pretend City.
We also went to the Great Park's anniversary celebration.
There was tons of free stuff for the kids to do,
lots of army equipment,
an air show,
and the kids got to make and fly their own kites.
The kids found the music instruments I hid months ago.
They were in heaven.
She's addicted to the swings.
Aaron's dad is visiting us for a couple weeks!
The kids (and us) love having him in town!
Mackenzie desperately wants to learn how to read.
One of my friends told me about so we are giving it a shot.
My kids are such groupies.
Yes I give my kids sugar filled cereals.
It usually goes something like this...
"Kids these cereals are on sale. Pick one."