Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We are desperate...

and very, very sleepy.

So we bought some of these.

Last night was the first night we used them.

I can't say I swear by them yet.
We had to give him 4 doses before they started working.

But Wesley did let us sleep for 3 hours instead of the usual 1 :)
At least we are making progress.
Even if he did sleep in the bouncer with the vibration and music on the whole night.

Hey...desperate times call for desperate measures.


Anonymous said...

you do what you have to do to survive, LOL

Jennifer said...

We used that brand of teething tablets. Our doctor said we could use anything that said "homeopathic" (like those do) without asking. I wouldn't feel bad about it at all! Especially b/c it's helping your baby to feel so much better too!

ps. It's a sad day when 3 hrs sounds like a lot of sleep but I'm sure those 3 hrs were glorious!

Amy said...

Time to stock up on batteries! My LO slept in the swing for 3 months.

Erin K said...

We swear by them, for sure! They worked for our little Sophia. Our dr. said it was okay too. He said just watch out for any ingrediants that say Bella Donna.

Cairen said...

Oh I had a baby like that and then my other in law bought me catnip and fennel which is liquid herbs made by Natures Sunshine and it worked miracles! My whole family uses it for fussy babies and LOVES it! Hope things get better!

Crystal said...

We also use that brand for many things.
Another idea I have never tried this but I am going to look into it with my next one...I saw a post on gripe water on Infarrantly creative. (

Good luck that sounds very difficult.

Ashlee said...

My first, Caleb, had colic for four months. I took him to the doctor more times than I can count and nothing they suggested helped. One night I was at the end of my fuse when my mom brought me Baby's Bliss Gripe Water. He had been crying for six hours and I was beyond desperate. I gave him a half dose and five minutes later he was asleep. I started giving him half doses with feedings and the improvement was amazing! He is 3 and we still keep a bottle for tummy aches and it still works wonders!

Us Simple Girls said...

We just had a discussion like this in our mom's group the other day... several of the women swear by seeing a pediatric chiropractor (sp??) Several of them said, just by learning a few different touch techniques, that the babies calmed right down!

And, I'm with you... you do what you have to... so glad you got to get some sleep!!


Anonymous said...

You have to try Gripe Water! It saved us... we also had our son put on previcid because what we thought was colic was acid ruflux- this changed our lives!!!

Unknown said...

I agree with the gripe water. I've heard it works wonders.

sfitz said...

Oh friend I can't even imagine... please let me know if I can do anything!! A meal? A playdate? Even if you just want to come over and sleep on my couch (don't laugh, many people have) and I'll hold the Wesley boy. Let me know!

Michelle said...

I feel for you - it's hard surviving on so little sleep. My daughter was the same way for the first 6 weeks until our doctor suggested that it might be acid reflux instead of colic. As much as I hated giving her medication, within a few doses and after laying her down on her stomach she started sleeping like a champ around 8 weeks. Hope you find something that works for you!