Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is the day...

that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it!

We've been smelling the roses,
wishing on dandelions,
and enjoying the beauty of God's creation around us.

I forgot how much I enjoy just getting out of the house and going on a walk with my kids.
There is something about being in the midst of nature that makes me happy and refreshed.

Today was the perfect walking weather.
Sunny and crisp.
Not too hot. Not too cold.
Just perfect.

We did our normal walk twice because we weren't ready for it to end.
The flowers were extra pretty,
the plants and grass extra green (from all the rain),
there were tons of dandelions (Mackenzie's favorite)
and everything was so so beautiful.


Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

Very cute pictures! I agree with everything you said!

Anonymous said...

I, like you, am energized by walking through God's creation. But I'm jealous that you have flowers to see and blue skies to walk under. It's been overcast and dull here for ages. No flowers, no grass, everything is still brown and dead. BUT, this too is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it!