Wow, what a week it has been!
Aaron started a new job on Monday and then Monday night I went into labor.
Then by early Tuesday morning we got to meet our precious baby girl Madelyn!
More real pictures of Madelyn from the hospital and our first couple of days home coming soon but for now...
here are some pictures of our week from the view of the hipstamatic lens of my iPhone..

taking turns on our neighbors new tree swing

sewing some burp cloths for baby Madelyn

Wesley taking a ride on the wild bull (a.k.a. Daddy)

Baby Madelyn is here!

Instant love!

She is perfect.
so. so. perfect.
I'm not biased at all :)

Proud big sister!
She couldn't stop smiling!

Wesley is such a good big brother.
He loves giving Madelyn her pacifier.

my girl

I kind of wish she could stay this little forever.

We had lots of visitors at the hospital.
Everyone wanted their chance to hold the baby girl and she loved every second of it.
Hope you guys had a great week!
sooooo sweet! Congrats!
So happy for you guys! It makes me want to have a third!!!!!!!!!!
omg!!!! she's so sweeeeet!!!! I want to have my second baby right now!!!!! Congratulations from Raki from Serbia!
Best insta Friday ever!!! New squishy babies!!!
I have been reading your blog for awhile,(love it!)and had to comment. Beautiful baby, and she was born on my son's bday 35yrs. later. Congrats!
God is good!
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