Happy Father's Day!
Thanks babe for being the world's best...
Thanks babe for being the world's best...

role model and spiritual leader to our kiddos,

nurturer, cuddler, hug and kiss giver,

playmate, rough houser and wrestler,

provider and protector,

and all around best Daddy ever.

I'm so blessed you are my hubby!

And Happy Father's Day to my Daddy!
I love both of you guys so much!
*Photos by the fabulous Ally Michele. More to come soon!
Lovely post. Happy Fathers Day. Thanks for sharing I loved it. You have shared a beautiful post here. It is a great pleasure to visit this site and read posts like this. It makes us happy.
Father’s day is always special. It is a day to celebrate the fatherhood. And recognize the person who is a biggest inspiration in our lives. Father’s day is significant. Father is the most important person in our lives. That is why the day is special. We all know the sacrifices mother. But father also make a lot of sacrifices. But nobody notices their work properly. Their sacrifices go unnoticed. They are the backbone of a family. Father’s day is not celebrated like mothers day. We should celebrate father’s day like mother’s day. In fact they are the unsung heroes in our lives. A father is strength of a family. Some fathers are introvert. They do not show emotions or affection directly. But they take care of everything. But we do not notice it. For a girl, a father is the most trusted person in the world. He is the rock solid supporter. It is difficult to explain in words the sacrifices of a father. He works day and night so that his kids get a decent life. Most of the time in parenting, the father gets to be a tough person. But they never do anything that hurt their children. They do everything in favor for their kids. But we do not realize it. A father does infinity things to for his kids that go unnoticed. We should understand their sacrifice. That is why this day is so special.
We can celebrate it by being with our family. We can do things that would make our Father happy. We can celebrate it in many ways. So glad that I have visited this site. Keep sharing more beautiful posts like this.
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Oh, such a cute picture. So lovely to see those kids with their Dad. Family is important. I miss my family so much and my little sister. I will visit them as soon as I buy pre written essays and submit them by the end of next week.
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