Colic Tablets.
not so much.
Gas drops.
Noise maker on my I phone.
It works almost every time.
not so much.
Gas drops.
Noise maker on my I phone.
It works almost every time.
It's a free app called "Sleep Machine Lite" on my I-phone.
You can choose from all sorts of different sounds.
Wesley's favorite is a combination of
white noise, fan and beach.
If you have a colicy baby and an I phone
try this.
You will thank me.
And if you don't have an I phone
go out and buy one.
Because they are awesome.
That is priceless. My husband and are just having the iPhone dilemma. He doesn't think he can live one more day w/o one. I like Verizon's coverage and my mom also has Verizon (i.e. most-called person = free calls). I may have to wait until they take up the iPhone darnit! Yea for sleeping babies!
Wow, that's awesome! Congrats on some quiet time!
Ooh, I just discovered the Baby Flash Cards app...perfect for keeping a 2 year old entertained while in line at the grocery store! (and my iPhone is pink too, of course!)
that is hilarious! love it!
Got here from WIWW...I know it's an old post, but I am sooo going to try this! Why is my 4th baby the hardest?!
I love your blog and especially since my daughter just had a baby boy and they named him Wesley Owen. I will have to tell her about the iphone getting your Wesley to sleep. Doesn't hurt to try!
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