I love all of my readers
(yes you!)
and I love to see all your twists and takes on the projects I make.
Remember my Counting Book?
just emailed me her version of it
and I loved it so much I had to share it with all of you!
After the counting part
she added an alphabet section
love it!
and a section on colors
all using items from around their house!
P.S. I love to see your versions of my projects!
Most of the time they are better than mine anyway :)
LOVE these!!
I am SO not computer savvy, what is Picasa???
Picasa is where I store/edit pictures on my computer. I think Google runs it. Hoep that helps! I'm not computer savvy either...just ask my husband :)
You have a TON of great stuff on here! I came over to say thanks for linking to the bean box and found myself browsing...good stuff.
my mom keeps an accounting book. The book of accounting that my mother has - concerns the bills that she pays. account management is important for people who do not understand the economy and do not know how to manage funds. if you are a humanitarian as professional writers who work for the best essay writing service https://orderessay.net/writing-an-essay-about-yourself.html (that also propose writing essay that has a type "essay about yourself"/"essay about myself") then you need an account book because you cannot save money to buy something later.
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