When life hands you lemons

{or you pick them from a tree
or buy them from the store}

make lemonade.
This lemonade to be exact.
It truly is the best lemonade ever
and the perfect summer treat.
Once you've tasted how good fresh squeezed lemonade is
you will never be able to go back to fake stuff.
I promise.
*The only small change I make to the recipe
is I only use 1 1/2 cups sugar instead of 1 3/4 cups.
I've been on a lemonade kick the last few months and now can't stand to drink the fake stuff. I get so sad when we go somewhere and when I ask if the lemonade is fresh and just say it comes from where the coke comes from.
Many students opt to either live in a dorm room or get a roommate to help save costs. Remember that your grades can be impacted by your environment. Living in a dorm can be fun, but think about staying at your home or with your family if you think that's better for you.
nvm meaning
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