Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What I Wore

This past week has felt like a month.
Probably because of Mackenzie's thumb crisis
but at any rate it's Wednesday again and you know what that means....
another dose of What I Wore.

sweater: Nordstroms
tank underneath: Banana Republic
my first pair of maternity jeans (this time around anyways): Old Navy
black flats: Naturalizer

a word about my shoes...
I'm not a big shoe person.
I never have been.
Therefore I hate spending a lot of money on something I don't really care much about.
I would much rather throw down some cash on something I love and wear everyday like a good pair of jeans.
With that said, I usually buy my shoes at Payless.
Some Payless stores have a better selection than others but I can usually find whatever I need.

Oh and I should also mention that all I wear is flats.
I'm tall (5'9) and I already tower over most people so I stick to flats.
Plus they are comfy and I'm pretty clumsy.
I would hate to see me in a heel.
It would be a d.i.s.a.s.t.e.r.

Also...since my bunion surgery my shoe selection has been more limited.
Not everything fits comfortably like they used to.
I think my feet are still just really sensitive.
My shoes need to be really broken in for them not to hurt.
Therefore I pretty much wear the same pairs of shoes every day.

Lately I've been trying to slowly break in a few new pairs I've had in my closet.
The one's above are a pair I've been working on.

shirt: H & M
sweater/cardigan thing: Macy's
jeans: Express
flats: Naturalizer

sweater top: Macy's
skinny jeans: Levis
flats: Naturalizer

I had intentions of taking pictures of all of our outfits for this What I wore post but with the thumb incident it didn't happen.
It's kind of hard to tell in this picture but I wore a
black ruffle top: Target
New maternity jeans: H & M
(did you know H & M had a maternity section?! So much cute stuff!)
necklace: Nordstroms
earrings: Charlotte Russe (forever ago)

sweater top: Gap
jeans: Citizens of Humanity
flats: Naturalizer

navy top: Gap
sweater: vintage
jeans: Express
flats: Payless

top: Old Navy
jeans: Express
flats: Payless


ibshell said...

love that cardi with the striped shirt. Adorable on you!

Anonymous said...


SarahJarnagin said...

Your outfits are so adorable! And they show your cute little baby bump off!

Kelsey said...

Turns out I love everything you wear! Question is though, how long ago did you buy it all?