Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I Wore

So I really wanted to boycott "What I Wore" this week.
Let's just say that I am not loving this after baby body.
I can't wait to get back to my old self and back into my normal clothes again.
But in the mean time I am trying to make the best of what I have.
And in the meantime I'm also praying that my metabolism starts kicking back in really soon :)

top- H&M
jeggings- Forever 21
boots- Cathy Jean

top- Forever 21
jeggings- Forever 21
sandals- Forever 21


Unknown said... look great!

but, i don't blame you for wanting to boycott, I plan on taking a few weeks off after my lil sugar arrives.

to me, that's the hardest time to dress the body.

cheers to your metabolism doin' its thang!

Kelli said...

I think you look great but I know how you feel!! I remember not wanting to get dressed after having my little peanut, it just wasn't much fun!! Best of luck!!

Kelli @

kim ann geraci said...

You do look great! :) I love how baby is added to picture now. Can you tell us where baby got her clothes? :)

The Miller Five said...

You look great! I agree with Kim. You should do a series on what she wore. That would be cute!

courtneyricole said...

You are doing better than I am! I've hardly gotten dressed since having my baby! :) You look great to me!

Krulls in Haiti said...

Seriously lady?!! You look fantastic, and you will get back to where you want to be soon! A sweet baby in your arms is always a great distractor until then ;)