Happy second birthday Madelyn Joy!
Your middle name perfectly describes you.
You bring so much joy to our family!
You are sweet and happy and silly.
You love to cuddle and be held and act like our baby but you also
insist on doing everything your big brother and sister are doing.
We always joke that you think you are 5.
You are definitely our most coordinated kid.
You zoom around on the scooter like a pro.
You love your baby dolls and all the big kid toys your siblings play with.
You have a sensitive heart and obey easily.
You love to sing and dance.
You are super smart.
You love all of your siblings but you adore your baby brother Hudson.
You are always kissing on him, trying to hold him and running to tell Mommy when he is crying.
You are starting to talk up a storm. We love to hear your little voice.
You have some c.r.a.z.y. curly hair and pretty green eyes.
You love to give hugs and kisses and we love getting them from you!
It has been so fun watching you grow from a baby into a little lady this past year. We can't wait to see how God continues to shape you and grow you into a woman after His own heart. Our prayer is that you would love God and love others and that you would know how much you are loved. We are so glad that you are our baby girl! Happy Birthday Maddie girl! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
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