Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving and a Cyber Monday special!

Hi Guys! 
First I want to say Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you guys had a great weekend giving thanks. 
 Jesus has blessed me with so much more than I deserve. 
He is so gracious and abundant to me. 

And I have some exciting news!  
Guess who is a part of this?!!

ME! So crazy. 
If you have been waiting to get some towels make sure you grab some at this great price on Groopdealz
They are live until Wednesday night.

This girl is the Super Star Student at school this week.
Here she is with her biggest fan. 

Tonight we set up for the last Sugar Plum of the year. 
It's at the Buena Park downtown mall this Thursday-Sunday. 
Clic HERE for more details. 

And in the midst of the Groopdealz sale and my boutique this weekend my sewing machine decided to break! I know...I was freaking out. Luckily some friends came to the rescue and I'm borrowing one to get me through the weekend. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a new one. Any suggestions on one that is a good work horse?  


Homemaking Challenged said...

If you are going to be working it to the bones, while they are more expensive, Bernina's are AMAZING. My mom has had hers over 20 years, and it still works just like new. When we were younger, she was the sewing queen and made all of our clothes, and gifts for Christmas. If Etsy would have been around back then, she would have had it made. Glad you were able to borrow someones for the week! Hope you have a great boutique!

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