Every year we go to
the Harvest Festival at our church for Halloween.
Everyone dresses up,
plays carnival games,
eats lots of food and candy
and has a blast.
I would't do Halloween any other way.

I fully intended to make Mackenzie's costume this year.
She was going to be the cutest Tooth Fairy.
I even bought everything to make it.

But in the midst of the craziness with 3 upcoming boutiques
I never got around to making it.
So I decided to go the easy route
and just pick an outfit out of her dress up bin.
Instead of a tooth fairy
she was a lady bug.
But a cute one at that.

Wesley was a little caterpillar.

The cutest little caterpillar you ever did see.

Aaron and I threw these costumes together
a whole 20 minutes before we left the house.
I went as an 80's aerobic instructor
(those super cool shorts were my dad's running shorts from the actual 80's)
and Aaron went as a mechanic.
What did you guys do for Halloween?
that looks like so much fun and you all look great!
What a great day- and maybe you can make the tooth fairy costume for the dress up bin and it will be a go to costume next year =)
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