Friday, November 13, 2009

Time for Tea Giveaway!

Polly put the kettle on
we'll all have tea!
Little girls
having a pretend tea party
with their dollies,
or a friend.
Can it get any better?
I think not.

Now your girly can have a tea party
any time she wants
with my new "Time for tea" felt set.

Each set includes
3 tea bags and 3 delicious sugar cookies topped with sprinkles


Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry goodness.


This week I'm giving away one of my new "Time for Tea" felt sets!

How can you win?
(Please leave a separate comment for each entry)
1. Leave a comment telling us your favorite kind of tea.
2. Blog about this giveaway.
Make sure to let me know the blog address where you linked from in your comment.
3. Become a "follower" of my blog "Lu Bird Baby".
It's easy, just click on the link to the right.
4. Follow me on Twitter.

Giveaway will end at midnight
Thursday, November 19th.
Winner will be announced the following day.

*Pictures of the girls having a tea party are Julie from Joy's Hope adorable daughters taken by the amazingly talented Drew B. Go check out their amazing blogs. Now. You will be hooked. I promise.


Southerner said...

My favorite tea is Luzianne. We drink a gallon or more of sweet iced tea a day. Every birthday we get out my mom's tea set and have a birthday breakfast with hot tea. They add more sugar and milk than tea. So we have sugar with a touch of tea.

Southerner said...

I am a follower

Cora Anne Designs said...

I love orange tea, or chai if that counts! Back in my working days, I would sip some every afternoon at my desk!

Cora Anne Designs said...

Follow your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

I love sweet iced tea! For hot tea, I love green tea.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

twitter follower

Anna said...

How precious! My girls would love this! I don't drink tea on a regular basis, but I do like raspberry iced tea once in a while. :)

Anna said...

I'm a follower! yay!

Courtney said...

I've loved this set ever since I saw it over at Joy's Hope - so cute! Right now I'm on a tea bender to help get over the chest cold I've got. I'm almost only drinking Zen by Tazo - so soothing and good. :-)

Courtney said...

Also I follow the blog. :-D

Courtney said...

And I follow your tweets. Thanks again for the chance to win.

HolyCute said...

My favorite tea is Indian Chai :)

Thanks for the generous giveaway!

HolyCute said...

And I'm a follower too :)

Kendra said...

I don't know that it's a kind but I'm from the south so it's got to be sweet tea- the kind that resembles syrup. Lol.

Kendra said...

I've been a follower for quite sometime now...

Two Little Tots said...

my favorite tea is chi tea from starbucks...but another favorite is a tea called red label.

Two Little Tots said...

i am a blog follower too!

Lorin and Heather said...

I don't drink tea so I don't have a favorite. My daughters would LOVE this set. I could see them playing with it for hours.

Ruth Ann said...

Such an awesome giveaway! My favorite tea is mint tea! Have a wonderful weekend!

Ruth Ann said...

I'm following you on twitter!

Amy said...

Adorable! The only tea we drink around here is the pretend kind :)

Amy said...

I'm a follower!

~Sutherland Smiles~ said...

I am a follower and I love Earl gray tea~ With LOTS of sugar and milk~ YUM-O!

Amy said...

My favorite tea is my Mommy's sweet tea... yum. She's famous for it! It's a little tea with sugar water! LOL. Amy

Amy said...

I am a follower, Amy.

Lynn said...

Well, since I just became a follower I might as well enter this contest...My girls are way into tea parties, so I've got my fingers crossed.

Lynn said...

And our favorite tea around here is Chamomile - no caffeine so we can actually use it for the little girls' tea parties!

Us Simple Girls said...

Favorite kind of tea I'm afraid is the way too sweet kind. I've tried and tried with the hot tea variety, but still I want it cold with a slice of lemon.

However, I have two little girls who love themselves some pretend tea parties!

Sooo cute!

Us Simple Girls said...

Us Simple Girls now follow! :)

Mariella said...


SOOOO cute! My favorite tea is a toss up, I love some good old peppermint tea, but I also love the passion tea from starbucks :)
I am a blog follower as well :)


robin said...

although I'm Canadian, my great grandmother was very British and we were allowed to drink tea at an early age. We always had Earl Grey, black. I guess it stuck with me because it seems to be my fav today. Your post reminded me it's about time I sit down with my daughter and have a spot.

Courtney Ann said...

My favorite tes is sugar plum spice by celestial seasonings--- yummy!
* I love your blog!*

Courtney Ann said...

I'm following you on twitter too

Courtney Ann said...

i'm following your blog

Unknown said...

Even though it's not THAT kind of tea, we love Red Diamond Sweet Tea here.

Unknown said...

I also follow you on google Reader

Ashley said...

I follow your blog. If i win I'm giving this to the little girl I nanny for christmas. It is so adorable!

Ashley said...

My favorite tea is sweet tea from Mccalisters. BEST SWEET TEA EVERR!

Ashley said...

I follow you on twitter

Mare said...

I'm kind of traditional, I love Earl Grey Tea and I'd love your felt tea set!

Serena said...

I don't drink tea, but I know little girls who would love playing tea party with these

Serena said...

I am a follower

katza said...

Green tea! Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

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