Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blessings Jar

Why is it so easy to forget
answered prayers,
blessings from the Lord,
times that He so clearly speaks to us, etc.?

We as a family
have made a decision NOT to forget the Lord's
goodness and faithfulness in our life.
We want to be intentional about remembering God's blessings...
thus the Blessings Jar.

A plastic (kid proof) jar that we keep in our kitchen
and when Aaron or I, the kids, or our family as a whole
experience God's wonders
we write it on an index card and put it in the Blessings Jar.

Anything from funny stories, answered prayers, accomplishments, observations of how a family member has grown and even hard things that produce good things can be written down.

Then at the end of the year (or whenever we want) we will sit down and read all the blessings God has allowed us to experience.

"Give thanks to the Lord...remember the wonders he has done."
1 Chronicles 16:8, 12


Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

What a WONDERFUL idea! I may just have to make a "Blessings Jar" of our very own (hope you don't mind). :) ♥, hugs & blessings!

Wendy said...

What a beautiful idea! So glad you shared!

Simply Sara said...

Love this idea Kristin!
We are definitely going to make a blessings jar too!

Andrea said...

Thanks for sharing! I'm going to get started right now. I'm thankful for blogging and all the great ideas I get from it.

Meredith said...

Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and have followed it for awhile. A Kreative Blogger award was given to me and I wanted to pass it along to you! You can visit my blog and get the award and post it in your side bar! Thanks for always having a fun, creative blog to come visit!