For the past month or so I have been having a weekly play date with a few of the mom's on our street.
It's been such a fun time for us moms to get to know each other better while our kids laugh and play and be crazy.
While most of our play dates usually just consist of "free play" or in other words,
a mass jumble of kids having a blast accompanied by total chaos,
we have had a few more structured "craft play dates".
Yesterday was a craft play date.
One of the mom's had a huge stash of felt so we decided to make finger puppets.
As the mom's were deciding what to make and how to glue together/assemble the puppets we noticed that our craft play dates for the kids usually end up being mommy crafting hour.
I guess that's what happens when you get a few crafty mommas together in a room.
We totally end up taking over the projects and making them entirely for our kids.
Now granted, most of our kids have the attention span of an ant and get distracted after gluing on one thing but still.
It's pretty funny.
See for yourself...

these were the finger puppets Mackenzie (a.k.a. I) made yesterday

and just in case you were wondering the weird looking thing on the left is a robot (or a mailbox according to Mackenzie)
Mackenzie testing out and approving her new finger puppet

and here are a few of the magnets made our of sculpty clay we (I) made a few weeks ago.
Is it as hard for you to let your kids do crafts with out trying to take over like it apparently is for us?
Maybe we should all start a support group :)
You're so crafty! I love it! My poor daughter- our crafts are limited to canvas, paint, construction paper and crayons. I need to branch out- glitter? pastels? I'm not sure but something needs to change!
I love having crafternoons with my nieces and I dont take over unless there is a dificult bit, then I like to just help them through it, that way they learn what to do and still get to take something home and say they made it themselves. I love crafternoons more than they do I think
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