Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Randoms

Here's a peek at our week through the camera lens of my phone. 

Wesley thinks it's so cool that he and Daddy have the same shoes (kind of)

this little girl was out cold after church

Big sissy helping Madelyn WALK!
Crazy. so crazy. 

We went on a little train ride. 
And by we I mean the kids and Aaron. 

I finished some of these.

And made this.
It makes me happy.  

Man she's cute. 

Spiderman and butterfly lady 

lunch with friends

Wesley's answer to the question in this book...
"Cinammon rolls"

I made these delicious little guys. 
recipe coming soon. 

And helped out in Mackenzie's class at my weekly woman's bible study.

Wesley is such a great big brother. 
He takes great care of Maddie. 

Sunday afternoon naps are good for the soul.

You should come to this!

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