Friday, September 14, 2012

A peek at our week(s)

The past couple of weeks have been a blur.
Probably because we were out of town for half of them. 
Anyways, here's a peek of the craziness. 

We all got haircuts. 
Much much needed haircuts.
Thanks Kristine!

We have been going on nightly after dinner walks.
Mainly to get the kids wiggles out but also for some exercise.
Because we all know I would never exercise or walk for fun alone with 3 kids.

Story time is my fav.

I'm always shocked at how many cups my kids go through in a day.
No wonder I can never find any clean ones.

We celebrated my friend's 30th. 

Me and the hubby. 

Praying I don't actually have to go in. 
3 kids plus one on the way is a good excuse right!
Random fact...the only time I have ever been to jury duty I was put on a jury! 

Playdates with friends are the best. 

I've been trying to home school preschool (more on that soon). 
This day we had an alphabet treasure hunt. 
I taped letters all over the house and they had to find them in order.

Loving this book right now. 


Yes that is blue chalk all over my carpet. 

We have been living at the park these days. 

And I think half the time spent at the park is on the swings. 

Maybe more if your name is Mackenzie. 

Look at those curls!

Big girl likes to sit in the booster seat
and eat cereal like the others. 
What happened to my baby?

My latest addiction.
Don't judge a pregnant woman. 

Intense splinter removal.

The Jesus Storybook Bible is the best! 

Another batch of owls are coming soon!!
Hopefully they will be in the shop this weekend or Monday. 

The tomato tree is out of control!
We just delivered bags of tomatoes to our neighbors tonight.
They deserve it for having to look at that eye sore every day. 


RachelRAdams said...

aren't camera phones the greatest? it just might be one my favorite mom accessories. :) it lets me capture so much of our "life" i know we would otherwise miss out on documenting. thanks for sharing!

Caitlin Weaver said...

Looking forward to hearing more about you doing homeschool preschool. We'll be homeschooling too, but I'm still deciding about whether we'll do any formal preschool stuff. Love to see how other families do it!