Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can you guess where we are going?

Here are some pictures of the country
(yes country)
we are preparing to go to.
Can you guess which country it is?

Come back tomorrow for the answer :)
Can't wait to hear your guesses.


Unknown said...

Hmm... Scandinavia? Sweden...Iceland?

Lura said...


Lena K. said...

New Zealand

Anonymous said...


sfitz said...

new zealand is my guess, and can i go with you????

Suze said...

That totally looks like Canada....except for a couple of pictures, so now I'm wondering if I'm right or not.

Most of the pictures look like British Columbia, because of the mountains. (that's where I'm from originally).

But now I'm curious if I'm wrong, then what other countries look like BC Cananda?!?

Kerie said...


I love your blog!

Unknown said...

new zealand, but i cheated =/..i really wanted to know where that beauty was! I wanna go where ever you are going!!

SarahJarnagin said...

I'll go in a completely opposite direction as everyone else and guess Peru?

Tempest Ahoy said...

New Zealand!

Königinnenreich said...

Somewhere in South America is my guess. And it's definitely NOT Holland, Switzerland or anywhere else in Europe!


huana said...

Croatia?If it is,stop by and visit me!

e.c said...

New Zealand!

Cyndi said...

Wow, I didn't know that Mongolia was so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Somewhere in the former USSR? Wherever it is, it's gorgeous!!!

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