Friday, June 1, 2012

A peek at our week...

I wish every week could have been like this past one.  
We spent lots of time with family, friends and in our bathing suits. 
3 of my favorite things. 

If you are new around here every Friday I post the Instagram pictures from my trusty iPhone to give you a little peek into my week. 

A boy and his army men

Kenzie had her last day of preschool! 


We went on a 9 mile family bike ride!
and I survived. 
and actually liked it! 

We went to the park with some friends.   

Good thing they had a lot of swings because we have a lot of kids. 

They are only 3 days apart. 

We visited our good friend's new baby. 
Isn't he a cutie?

We saw The Lorax in 3D.

And climbed trees at the park. 

We went swimming with our church community group

and made my favorite...smores! 

On Memorial Day we went to the beach.
I love the beach!

Surfer girls

building sand castles 

We went to the park (again) with some more friends

and had fun playing at home. 

Wesley is going to be such a good Daddy someday. 
He wore a baby in the sling for at least a half an hour yesterday. 

Good morning!

Chalk+water+paint brush = fun way to practice the alphabet

I just discovered some baby birds in our backyard!

And Aaron caught this little guy in our backyard yesterday too. 
I wanted to keep him as a pet but the kids were terrified of him so we let him go. 
Party poopers.

Maddie found a new favorite toy. 
She desperately wants to be a big kid! 
One day sweetie, but until then I'm enjoying every last bit of her babiness. 


Bonnie said...

Oh Kristin! I love the letters practice with the sidewalk chalk... we are headed out to practice that after nap time today! Brilliant idea :) Can't wait to try it!

The Miller Five said...

I love your alphabet idea! I'll have a preschooler this fall, so that will be an awesome summer activity!

LOVE LOVE LOVE that lizard. Too bad your kids wouldn't let you keep it. We have these awesome tiny ones with blue tails. I want to catch one, but DANG! They are fast! Have a fun weekend!