Friday, August 24, 2012

A peek at our week

Hey Guys! 
I'm back! 
This whole being pregnant with three other kids is tiring stuff.
I'm hoping my energy will come back to me soon. very soon. 
In the mean time we have been taking it easy and enjoying the last little bit of summer. 
Here's a peek at our week!
Enjoy :)

I love my girls.

Chipotle veggie bowl 
at home. 

Look at our crazy tomato plant/bush/tree.
It's at least 10 ft tall!

And totally out of control.
Did I mention we have 4 of them too.
Planted in our front yard which is technically part of our association.
Of course my biggest tomato plants are in the one place they are really not supposed to be.
I've been giving our neighbors free tomatoes to keep them happy. 

She is the happiest baby ever. 

And she looks just like her daddy.

I got to celebrate my BFF and her baby boy who is finally coming home soon (shower details to come). 

Maddie's preferred way to ride

We went to an Angel's game.
Go Halos! 

The kids loved it!

I let the kids play with bubbles.
And had to document it because it doesn't happen often.

Little Missy played with chalk. 
And ate the bubbles. 

The kids are obsessed with puppet shows. 

And Mackenzie is obsessed with dinosaurs.
This was part of her field journal.
The other day she told me,
"Mom, I'm going to be a paleontologist when I get older and I need to watch some more "Dinosaur train" so I can learn as much as possible about dinosaurs."

I totally wish we had one of these in our house.
I think Wesley would spend all day in it. 


Next weekend we are going camping!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sitting at the table like a big girl.

Gold from our crazy tomato plants. 


SarahJarnagin said...

I cannot believe your crazy tomato plant! That is awesome! We haven't had such good luck this year with our terrible drought. We have several plants that didn't produce at all.

Hope you get some energy soon!

Unknown said...

Yay for camping! I would love to go with our kids but I'm unsure how it would go. I know you have your hands full but if you could post about how you make camping with little ones easier that would be great! Like what stuff have you found helpful (big and small) :)

Laura said...

Have you ever heard "Every dinosaur poops" on Dinosaur Train? There's a song that will stick with you. For. Ev. Er. Our whole family can sing it. I'm sure you are thrilled with this knowledge!