I have been selling crafts for years now at boutiques and on etsy, but just this summer decided to share my ideas with other creative minds on my blog somewhat simple. I post something new every day of the week- yummy recipes, craft tutorials, giveaways and all things creative! I I host a monthly creative challenges where ordinary people like you and me can join in the fun! Come and see what I have been up to and get inspired!"

Love, love love these wooden blocks.
What a super cute wedding or anniversary gift they would make.

I need this quote above our front window.
It's our dog's favorite hang out place.
She feels it's her duty to keep an eye on the entire neighborhood
and bark at every moving thing that goes by.

Do your kiddos grow as fast as mine?
You need one of these.

And today is your lucky day!
Because Stephanie is offering
vinyl lettering for you to create
your very own family growth chart!
You buy your wood and paint and she will send you the vinyl stickers!
What you get:
- "Our Growing Family" customizable decal- approx. 7" long x 6" tall and can be in any color you want. Just let me know the last name of your family!
- #'s 1-6
- 100 dash marks
How can you win?
(Please leave a separate comment for each)
1. Visit her shop.
Come back here and tell us what your favorite item is.
2. Visit her blog and become a follower.
3. Follow my blog
4. Leave a comment telling us what quote
you would want to put on the wall in your house!
Giveaway will end at midnight
Thursday, October 1st.
Winner will be announced the following day.
I love her family blocks
I follow somewhat simple
Love the blocks, they're a fun twist I haven't seen.
I love the chore chart. I can't tell you how much that would help my family. So cute too!
I'm a follower
I follow your blog.
I follow the "Somewhat Simple" blog.
I love the family name vinyl wreath in her shop.
I would love to use the quote "I look through my window and what do I see?" in my home. My grandchildren would love it!
My favorite thing is the growth chart! I don't have one but would LOVE to have this one!
Love the growth chart! It is exactly what I have been looking for, I added it as a favorite item on etsy so if I don't win I can buy it later!!
I have always wanted those family/ wedding blocks, but the growth chart is something I can see being passed down to grandkids!
I follow and adore your blog!
I just hung a quote in my baby girls nursery (5 weeks to go) that says "sunch a big miracle, in such a little girl"... it is perfect for us as we have lost two babies before her! It makes me happy every time i see it!
I love the wood blocks with the family name on them, so much so that I'm hoping to make some pretty awesome Christmas gifts this year! ;)
Sorry, that's me above, "test" I just changed my screen name. I follow Somewhat Simple.
I follow your blog
I like the quote, "Home is where your story begins"
VERY CUTE! I love it. My fav is the Polka Dot Letter Hair Bow Holder
I follow her blog
I follow your blog
I would love this quote "Laundry room- loads of fun!"
My fav products are the necktie onesies... go figure... I'm a mom of 2 boys!
I follow your blog
I follow somewhat simple.
I REALLY want to put the words, "Together we can do anything" above the master bed. It's something my husband always tell each other.
(We have also been wanting to make a growth chart, so I HOPE I WIN!!!)
I would love her pillow talk blocks!
"We need the temple more than anything else."- Joseph Smith above our temple wedding picture.
cheesy? but true.
That's what quote I'd choose.
I totally love the chore charts.
I follow 'some what simple' blog
The quote I love is kinda long, but it is the one about 'life and learning to dance in the rain.' jema0m@q.com
I love the chore charts.
I follow Somewhat Simple
It's not a vinyl quote I would want, but I would love our initials to put over our headboard. Our first initials and our Last initial in between all intertwined.
Love the seasonal blocks and the polka dot hair bow holder. Cute, cute!
I agree with Kristin... I totally need the "Looking out the window" quote for my house! Our couch in front of the window, on the left cushion is our boxer Gus' favorite place: the whole neighborhood expects him to be there watchfully greeting all passersby... so much so, that I am currently online procrastinating, because I am trying to avoid restuffing the couch cushions had to wash, because Gus had left a permanent squash spot on that side!
I absolutely love the pillow talk blocks! Totally getting them for the next bridal shower I go to!
I follow your blog!
I follow the somewhat simple blog.
I love the quote about life being enjoyed not endured, by Pres. Hinckley. If you want a different quote, I think I need the quote by Sis. Hinckley about laughing or crying through life for my craft room...always a good reminder to laugh a little!
Love me one of those. We did our last growth chart on our wall and recently moved, so I'm so sad not to have it (though I took lots of pics!)
I want to get our family motto up: "Day by day in every way I'm getting better and better" Emil Coue.
I love all the things in her shop but i really like the family names and the vinyl above the window. To cute.
I am a follower of her blog!
I am a follower of your blog as well.
A quote i would like to put on my wall would be mothers of sons work from son up until son down,(since I have 4 boys!)
I loved the "I looked out the window and what did I see" above the window! Cute!
I follow both blogs.
I have a little one so the growth chart would be perfect. :)
I like the polka dot letter hair clip holder.
The quote on my wall would be: "Girl's Just want to have fun"
I am a follower of both blogs. I like the name est. blocks. If I could have any thing written on my wall it would be "All because two people fell in love"
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