to the super funny, crafty, inspiring, and amazingly talented
Julie and I first met at a boutique last fall.
Meet Julie.
"Hi. I'm Julie. A nerdy, Jesus loving, recovering Diet Pepsi addict. I am all about flip flops on rainy days, English literature, going to the movies alone and anything turquoise. I can't be in the same room as someone eating a popsicle and the smell of ketchup or bananas makes me gag. I used to hate the color pink, but now have a houseful of girls. I am married to a youth pastor, wish I was still a teenager and would go back to high school in minute. I look forward to the day when vampires are "so 2009" and am not ashamed to admit my love for Star Wars or my passionate affair with Dave Matthews. I am a horrible sleeper, have a compulsive need to sew something every day and fight with my A.D.D. on a continual basis. I hate talking on the phone, or talking in general, but am the best listener you will find, fiercely loyal and way too sensitive for my own good. I don't remember the last time I was bored and having a day with nothing to do is what I dream about. My blog makes me look much craftier, cooler and funnier than I actually am. My shop feeds my fabric obsession.

I heart her messy flowers
and the fabulous fabric she uses for them.

Julie makes her messy flowers for people of all ages
so everyone can have a taste of their messy goodness.
And seriously, what is cuter than a baby in a headband?

Treat yourself to a pretty messy flower
because even grown ups need a little hair candy.
Ok now take a deep breath
and make sure your sitting down
because Julie is giving away your choice of item from her shop.
Seriously. Your choice!
How cool is that!
How can you win?
(Please leave a separate comment for each)
1. Visit her shop.
Come back here and tell us what your favorite item is.
2. Visit her blog.
Make sure you have a cup of coffee
because you will want to stay a while.
A long while.
I promise.
3. Follow her blog.
4. Follow my blog.
5. Blog about it.
Make sure to let me know the blog address where you linked from in your comment.
6. Buy something from her shop
and help Carter because
$5 from every single flower sold from now until October 18th will be donated to the Carter's Crusaders Walk Team. Carter is a strong and mighty little boy who is valiantly fighting liver cancer. The walk will be held at Disneyland benefits CHOC Children's and CHOC Children's at Mission Hospital.
Read more about this amazing and brave little boy, as well as Carter's Crusaders at:
Carter -
Carter's Crusader's -
CHOC Walk -
Giveaway will end at midnight
Thursday, October 8th.
Winner will be announced the following day.
I wanna win...I follow your blog :)
I wanna win...I follow Joy's Hope blog!
I've checked out her etsy it! And my favorite is the MADISON :)
I love her shop! My favorite is the Gracie flower!
I follow your blog!
I also checked out her blog for the second time today :) I always read her post.
Love the Gracie!
Visit you daily and now a follower
Read Joy's Hope daily and now a follower
I follow your blog.
I visited Joy's blog!
I now follow Joy's blog!
I visited Joy's shop and I love the Messy baby head band!!
I follow your blog!
I follow Joy's Hope!
My favorite is Abby
I visit Joy's Hope EVERYDAY she has amazing ideas! Cupcakes in a Mason jar? Oh yes please!
Her messy hair clips are just adorable!
I already follow her blog
I visited her blog
I visited her shop and I like the Ellena flower
oooh! I love Julie and her messy flowers!I love them all, but Gracie is one of my favorites.
mormishmom at gmail dot com
I read her blog all the time - including today.
mormishmom at gmail dot com
I follow Julie's blog.
mormishmom at gmail dot com
I follow your blog.
mormishmom at gmail dot com
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I already follow both of your blogs.
My favorite from Joy's hope is the Minnie!!
I love these flowers! The Ellena is my favorite.
I follow her blog :)
And, of course, I follow yours too :)
I follow your blog. :)
I follow Julie's blog. :)
I visited her blog today! :)
Love her shop, love the sky headband, love your blog and love giveaways! :)
I love the Sarina flower
I would LOVE a pretty messy grown up clip!!
Visited the blog.
I follow your blog.
I'm a follower of Joy's Hope and I visited today! :D
Oh I get to give another comment. One for following and one for visiting. I guess I should read all the directions before commenting and not read them one by one!
I follow Joy's Hope
I'm a new follower of your blog!
I blogged!
Ah. Pretty messy flowers make me happy. I love the "fabulous K" pin and the "Sunny" headband. Thanks!
thesweetestpetunia [at] gmail [dot] com
I just spent some time on Julie's blog. Love her!
thesweetestpetunia [at] gmail [dot] com
And I'm a Joy's Hope blog follower!
Follow her blog!
Follow your blog!
A always check her blog updates, including today! :)
I love everything in her shop, but the Ellena may be my absolute favorite!
I HEART Joy's Hope! Serina and Madison are my favs! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow Joy's Hope on my google reader.
I follow her blog!
I visited her blog and I love it!!
I visited her shop and I love the messy flowers... I think Leila is my favorite.
I now follow your blog! Thanks for the giveaway, ladies!
I love them all and I really want to win!
I follow Joy's Hope.
I follow you.
I blogged about the giveaway!
i follow you! (hello, btw. Love your blog -- it's filed under "creative juice" in my Google Reader! :) Gets me inspired to create, myself! :)
Hey, and I follow Joy's Hope, too. She has a terrific voice and it makes me happy to read her.
I visited her shop, also: I cannot decide if I love Minnie or Pinnie more -- perhaps I should have them both! :)
pick me, pick me! :)
And I went to her blog (naturally, since I already said I follow her!). So that's 4 entries from me: #s 1-4.
Did I mention "pick me?" Just checking.
I like the Halley cute
I visited Joy's Hope blog
I follow Joy's hope
follow your blog
I blooged.
Oh I love Joy's Hope - one of my favorite blogs, and I love her headbands - so fun!
I follow you blog too :-)
I also follow Joy's Hope - how couldn't you so much fun in one place!
i love the "leila." it's pretty, and it's my 2nd daughter's name.
also love the pretty messy flowers for fun!
I like the Fabulous K flower pin :)
contact me at:
I follow her blog :)
contact me at:
...and, I'm now following your blog!
contact me at:
I love Halley, Jacque, & Sarina...oh, who am I kidding, I love them all!!!
A already follow Joy's Hope...LOVE it (thanks for the giveaway Julie!)
I already follow you too (thanks for the giveaway Kristin!)
These are SO cool!!!!! I would love the grown up flower hair clip!
I follow your blog.
LOVE Joy's Hope! i already have several of her messy flowers, so my favorites out the the one's i don't already have are the Fabulous K and Leila.
visited her blog:)
i followe her blog! :)
i follow your blog! :)
I am follower of Julie's...
I am now following your blog, Hi nice to meet you!
I am little bias since I already own two of Joy Hope's hair accessories, so I LOVE them all!
I follow your blog!
I visited Joy's Hope blog!
I follow Joy's Hope blog!
My favorite from her shop is the Pinnie!
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