Friday, Aaron and I went to Babies R Us to register for little Miss Madelyn.
I had forgotten how awesome and absolutely ridiculous that store is.
It is full of the latest and greatest baby gadgets that would tempt any new (or not so new) mom into thinking they had to have it.
However, we all know that some of the newest baby inventions are a total rip off.
I can't even tell you how many things I bought with Mackenzie that I didn't really need.
But some are totally awesome and make life as a Mommy
so. much. easier.
Anyways, with all this baby stuff on my mind I thought I'd share my personal list of baby gadget must have's...

Ergo Baby Carrier.
Helpful when you have baby number one
absolutely necessary for baby number 2 (or 3 or 4...).
Yes, it is that awesome.

Hooter Hider Nursing Cover
Any nursing Mommy needs. needs. needs. one of these.
It will help you nurse in public without being scared you are going to accidentally flash the waiter serving you or some other unsuspecting passerbyer.
The generations of having to try to cover yourself with a blanket (that never works) are over.
Thank goodness!

My Best Friend Nursing Pillow.
Hands down better than the Boppy (for nursing purposes).

A full size swing that rocks side to side.
My little colic baby (Wesley) literally killed our swing.
Like broke the motor from overuse.
And I'm totally going to buy a new one for Madelyn.
I'm not sure what I would have done without it.

Bumbo baby seat.
I love that it helps baby sit up before they can on their own and that it is light and portable.
I would put my babies in it (with toys) on the counter while I was making dinner or on the table while we were playing games or doing crafts. It allowed them to be right where all the action was without me having to hold them all the time.
P.S. I'm pretty sure Bumbo recommends that you don't put the Bumbo on high surfaces so they don't accidentally fall off (that would be bad). Obviously you have to watch them and make sure it's safe :)

Total life saver.
Both kids spent countless hours happily playing in this.
We kept ours in the kitchen/family room area so I could stick them in it while I cooked.
I don't know how people survive without one.

Another sanity saver.
It's similar but different from the exersaucer.
I loved having both.

I know what you are thinking...
the iPhone?
Yes, the iPhone.
I used it to monitor my contractions when I went into labor.
And then I used it as a sound machine.
Now I use it to play videos for my kids when we are waiting for hours in a doctor's office or the DMV.
I can't even tell you how much more tolerable getting up to nurse in the wee hours was with this in hand.
I would browse my favorite blogs, check my email or facebook and listen to a sermon or some music and then, before I knew it, my baby was done eating and I was ready to go back to sleep.
Plus it is awesome for doing non baby things.
Let's just face it, it's all around awesome
and having a baby is a good excuse to get one.
So there you have it.
My list of baby essentials.
What are some of your favorite baby items?
Are there any new items out that you think are totally awesome?
hi! i found your blog b/c i was searching wiww links for maternity inspiration. after reading this post, i had to share my friday finds post w/you.
Thanks for the great list! We were definitely a bit overwhelmed with registering, since this is our first... this helped! :)
i found the Bumbo seat helpful in the bath tub. when my son was starting to sit yet still wobbly in a slippery tub.
And when I had a smart phone I used Baby ESP(eat, sleep, poop) to track his schedule, it was great.
thanks for sharing!
I have to say these are all absolute musts for me as well!
In addition, if breastfeeding, I recommend lots and lots of burp cloths! I was so amazed with my first how much milk got everywhere when we were both learning what to do! Also lansinoh nipple cream, a nice night nursing bra and breast pads. Lifesavers.
I also keep a camelback water bottle on my nightstand - the bottle won't spill when I knock it over looking for my glasses :) and drinking some every time I feed the baby helps keep my milk supply up.
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