Girls love make up.
Little girls especially love make up.
Little girls especially love their Mommy's make up.
Mommy's don't always love their little girls getting into their make up.
Well at least this Mommy doesn't.
So I decided to make my little girl some play make up of her very own.
Play make up that looks just like Mommy's
none of that cheapy plastic stuff from the dollar store.
It turned out to be super easy and I was shocked at what a huge hit it was
for both Mackenzie and Wesley.
It's pretty much the only thing either of them want to play with these days.

Want to make some play make up for your little girly?
All you need is some nail polish and some old (or unwanted) make up cases.
Take your makeup cases and scrape any old make up out of them. Then wash clean.
Pour nail polish into the sections where the make up used to be.
Let dry over night.
Hand to your little girl in the morning and become the coolest Mommy ever.
*The dollar store sells nail polish as well as cheap makeup you could trash and use the containers from if you are looking for an inexpensive option.

This was an old blush container.
Mackenzie pretends this is her nail polish kit.
She uses the brush to "paint" me and Wesley's nails.

These were old blush and powder compacts that my mom gave me.

Mackenzie loves that this one has sparkles in it
because everything is better with sparkles.

This was an old eye shadow case and one of Mackenzie's old lip gloss cases.

This was an old powder case and some free sample eye lotion potion stuff I never used.
Wesley loves to take the lid off and then put it back on the eye lotion container

I gathered up some brushes I never use and gave them to the kids as well.
These are hot ticket items around here.
Both kids fight over the brushes constantly.
I'm pretty sure I need to gather up a couple more.

And of course every little girl needs her very own make up case to keep all of her new goodies in.
That is seriously the most brilliant thing that I have ever seen. Really. So simple and so perfect. Off to go put the word out that I am collecting old make-up cases.
What a great idea!!
This is such a cute idea!! I know my three year old would like a few of these :)
What a neat idea!!
Oh my gosh! What a great idea!! I am going to do this project this weekend! Thanks for sharing! I am a new follower! Love your blog ;) have a great weekend!
I just stumbled across your blog and LOVE this idea! I'm definitely doing this for my 3yr old girly girl!
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